A lot of people seem to be having issues redeeming points. Company seems to be preventing it

I have no idea why he was ever in the advertising to begin with. I can’t name a single person I know that likes seeing his face. He’s not exactly personable

It’s not overly confusing, not even really scary or gory at all. It’s even got some really cute moments

I’ve gone grocery shopping in egl fashion & sweat pants 😂 there’s no dress code, you’re 100% fine. Even pj pants seem to be acceptable lol

When did this become a kids only franchise in peoples minds?

I’m not going back, I can honestly say they’ve killed any desire in me to do so. I get that some people don’t have many other options but at this point I’ll use ALL my other options before loblaws 😂

It depends on the person you’re trying to convince. I used Piecemeal & Binary when convincing a friend to give it a listen bc I knew it had subjects they’d be interested in. Worked like a charm actually

Yeah, pretty much. If someone responded to my apology like that tho I would immediately rescind it 😂 nvm you right, you apologize

I’ve had this too but taped up so tight I was scared I’d be cutting the clothes trying to get it open 😭

I started making white rice in chicken broth instead of water & now I wonder why I didn’t always do it this way

I have an out-swinging screen door too, right at the top of porch steps 😭 every time they put it right against the door on the top step. They could literally pick any other step (there’s 4) or the literal table & chairs right beside the steps. It almost feels intentional at this point bc I have it in the notes too. Even if you skip the notes, just use your eyes man

It’s genuinely such an awful experience shopping in these stores. No desire to go back 😭

I will never cease to be amazed when people post here ASKING FOR JUDGEMENT and then refuse to accept when they receive it


Agreed I can’t imagine having my (vegetarian/vegan) partner wait wait until 9pm to eat, just to then only make a single piece of meat for myself and go to bed. Like, what?? Ik we don’t have much info to go off of, but frankly that just sounds more like a roommates situation than anything

Yeah I was gonna say lol 🤣 chipper has his own wild lore

Nah, places choose to run skeleton screws on purpose bc it’s cheaper to only pay half the amount of workers that should be there. I know so many people looking for a job right now. There’s no shortage of ppl who need money. The problem is companies don’t want to pay.

Not wrong at all for bringing it to admin’s attention. If the teacher didn’t want anyone knowing this is how they acted, they shouldn’t have done it in the first place 🤷🏻‍♀️ hopefully it will be a learning experience for the teacher, which wouldn’t have happened if you stayed quiet. And if they don’t learn from it; if they stand by their actions, then they shouldn’t mind the info getting out. Either way, if it looks bad, that’s on the teacher for choosing to handle the situation that way. Not on you.