IMO they are not half as fun as a similarly powerful manual petrol car though

IMO the TZR50 is way more fun than any scooter will be. It's basically a small low-powered motorcycle

Not just most bikes, every bike. Peak torque is always at lower rpm than peak horsepower

Just not true in the slightest, ~10 hours of practicing different skills in the parking lot and another ~10 hours on the road with an experienced instructor behind me giving tips definitely prepared me well for riding alone on the road. The fact that you feel you have to learn how to ride AFTER getting your license really concerns me

Taking up half the sidewalk and creating a hindrance for the rest of traffic, indeed

Just to be another data point, I'd definitely buy that DLC immediately if it came out

Makes me sad, I'd love an inline 4 that you can rev to the moon without doing double the speed limit in 2nd or 3rd

Super vette motor, veel plezier mee gewenst! Mag ik vragen of je ook een ZX-4RR hebt overwogen (of een ZX-10R)? En zo ja, wat gaf voor jou de doorslag voor een ZX6-R?

Because it is not a pure performance car, but a car designed for driving enjoyment. If you don't understand why someone would want a manual transmission for that, there's no point in me trying to explain it to you

If it is the unrestricted version, yes

EDIT: The description of the advertisement says 13hp, so it should be legal. IMO this or an Aprilia RS125 (2-stroke) is probably the most fun you can have as a 125cc. Given it's a 30 year old 2-stroke, the reliability won't be great, so you'll either have to learn to work on it yourself or be prepared to regularly visit a mechanic. But if you can afford the upkeep, and some proper riding gear, I'd say go for it

Really? For me, the E90 has the worst looking front of all generations (except perhaps the current G)

Is the 98 different than the 98 we have in the EU?

I don't know what country you are in. Where I live, they sell for between €2000-3500, depending on the condition and how well they run

What is wrong with wanting a sportbike? To me, they are just the most fun type of motorcycle to rip around on

Compared to a similarly performing ICE car, EVs are definitely less engaging because of the lack of transmission and engine sound

Ah dan snap ik de keus volledig. Vind de SZR (en de MT-03 660) met 1,84 al vrij krap zitten

Denk vooral ook aan de SZR 660, heeft vrijwel hetzelfde blok maar dan in een supersport jasje, tevens ook een stuk goedkoper over het algemeen

Would you still recommend it if you can only go to dirt tracks? Have looked into getting a dirt bike, but where I live the few roads that are dirt or mud are not allowed to be accessed by motorised vehicles

Mag ik vragen waarom je aan een XT660X zit te denken? Ongetwijfeld een coole motor, maar als je exclusief op asfalt gaat rijden zou ik eerder een SZR660 of MT-03 660 aanraden. Deze hebben vrijwel hetzelfde motorblok naar mijn begrip