OMG U HAVE JUST ENLIGHTENED A DEEP CORE MEMORY. The game was Running fred it was so fun i played it for endless hours😭. Avoiding them swinging axes it was propper fun!

No, you missunderstood it. I don’t want to play with bots. Just like Rainbow six has its casual gamemode with real players and ranked mode.

youtube videos be like "FiVe sUmMonInG eYeS iN aN hOuR!!!111!1!1"

well that was a fucking lie.

Imagine if they spended this for space exploration... Yeah, impossible, i know. Dumb humans.

All right ill keep trying lmao

Random shadows start showing up

How is big poppa watching porn, i though he was dead

Wait for me ama get my 90 inches of tickness screen

Knowing reddit i can guess you were at least waitng for 4 hours to upload

Kaiate i asemos el delisi0so

Puta madre que meme mas weon