I don’t think I’ve ever seen the word actor to be used to describe someone doing actions.

Like this is legit a first for me, well done.

Yeah it was Dunkey

Get this guy outta here!!

Read the instructions again but much slower

This isn’t even asking for help, you’re just reposting from the JoJo sub.

And why would you be there if you didn’t watch the show?? This shit doesn’t make sense

So for 5 years you’ve smelled like total ass and have learned nothing, got it

The fact that we’ve only seen the 4th Hokage do it at a high level is irrelevant.

The fact that it takes 3 low-tier Jonin to replicate it is also irrelevant.

The jutsu is the jutsu, and at its core it’s a teleportation jutsu. And that’s OP.

You can say ass yknow

We won’t tattle on you

This gotta be the most brain dead view of a jutsu I’ve ever seen, you’re putting your own constraints on it just to make your argument better lmao

It’s from a guitar circle jerk subreddit, they’re being ironic here

It definitely is but I have no idea how it’s been upvoted so much

How in the mother fuck is this wholesome

Yeah it’s a reference to the number 59.

It’s one before 60, hope this helps!

Ping before connecting is 0ms

Ping while connected times out. I might be doing it wrong though

But it isn’t my ISP, my speed tests are fine when disconnect from PIA.

If you’re suggesting they’re throttling me, it’s still not my ISP because those response times are projecting before I even connect to the VPN and they’re still high on 2 different devices with 2 different ISPs

I uninstalled a couple of days ago, it fixed for maybe a day before reverting back unfortunately :/

I’m not the one making posts just to argue, buddy. Reflect on it a little bit.

There’s like 3 accounts pretending to be this person lmao

No, you’re seeking attention.

All you really need to do is walk up to your parents and tell them they don’t pay enough attention to you.

This is a classic “I’m not looking for a discussion, I’m looking to argue” post