Pathfinder :pathfinder:

I play ranked on london servers with no issue

The human brain literally never stops developing. This is a moving goalpost.

Read Project 2025. I agree the panic may be overblown a little but he has made it clear he intends to implement some of it.

Abortion will become completely banned and there will possibly be a ban on contraception too. I don't think it's far fetched at all to suggest he'll go through with this.

LGBTQ rights will likely become nonexistent, too, especially for a certain subgroup.

He also plans to dramatically increase the use of fossil fuels which will be absolutely devastating to the (little) progress we've made for climate change.

Combo Pill

There are no non-hormonal methods that stop periods unfortunately. To stop the hormonal cycle you need hormones. However, the injection only seems to interfere with oral contraception - you could consider another hormonal method, like depo provera, the nexplanon implant, or the hormonal IUD. All of those can stop your period just like the mini pill.


Voting for Trump won't make America "fall apart" or "reboot" like you're imagining. It'll just make things unbelievably worse for almost everyone, especially minority groups, for the next few years at the LEAST.

Do you think Russia is going to have a "reboot" after Putin? What about China? That's just not how it works in the real world.

Edit: removed a comment that broke the rules

Combo Pill

Mine has it listed as a "one-off" prescription meaning I have to re-request it from a doctor for every single refill... I've been taking it for 2 years. 😐

I don't know why they do this, it seems dangerous to me as someone who's taking it for contraception might be put at risk of pregnancy from a late refill.

Combo Pill

One Google search reveals that it is effective after 48 hours.

You need to do basic research before starting a medication and especially before giving someone else advice about said medication.

Combo Pill

That's norgestrel combined with ethinyl estradiol - a combo pill, not a mini pill.

Are you on injections, or a daily dose like pills/gel?

Pathfinder :pathfinder:

What enjoyment do people get out of doing this? I don't get it.

Combo Pill

The combo pill tends to provide more effective ovulation inhibition, more favourable bleeding patterns, and a longer missed pill window than the mini pill.

Combo Pill

The norethindrone, desogestrel and norgestrel mini pill all become effective after 48 hours. Slynd is the only exception. Please do your research before commenting advice.

I completely agree. But the other commenter did not answer OP's question at all and instead chose to make a rude comment stating the obvious.

How about just don't be a dick 👍

You're misinterpreting. Please read my comment carefully.

Cyproterone acetate can be referred to as both a progestin and a progestogen, because it is a synthetic form of progesterone.

This is NOT the same as bioidentical progesterone, which is what's naturally produced by the body.

That's for endometrial protection. If you take estrogen without progesterone while having a uterus, it causes endometrial hyperplasia (overgrowth of the uterine lining) which is a high risk of cancer.

Menopausal women without a uterus are offered only estrogen as a first line.

Yes, a progestogen. Progestin and progestogen are synonyms - synthetic progesterone. There are many advantages to progestogens over bioidentical progesterone, such as longer half life and higher affinity for the protesterone receptor.

Combo Pill

That's a combo pill! Combined pills contain two hormones: an estrogen (in your case ethinyl estradiol) and a progestin (in your case levonorgestrel). Mini pills only contain a progestin. It's pretty normal for doctors to start patients on this pill, it's the first line where I live too. If you notice any negative side effects then you can always switch to a different one.

I've always wondered by cyproterone acetate isn't used for trans women. It's both a progestogen and a powerful AA so seems to kill two birds with one stone?

Combo Pill

It made no difference to mine, but improved my depression.

Me too with the singing. I can't explain it, it absolutely drives me mad. I had a friend who would constantly sing to songs in her head and I just had to grin and bear it because obviously I couldn't ask them to stop lol