Several people in my life have asked me why I dye my hair, and they don’t believe me at first when I tell them that I’ve never dyed it. I just have natural highlights apparently. My sister told me once that girls would kill to have the same shade of hair as me.

I would say Vampire Counts, but I can usually consistently target their lords. Even better, I was playing a Thorek campaign and Mannfred sent three full armies at me, but he decided that he and his lords should act as the vanguard one at a time. I riddled them each with bullets and watched thousands upon thousands of undead crumble as they reached my front line.

So anyways, Skaven.

Hey chief, just wanted to let you know that, regardless of whether you’re right or wrong in this situation, you’re coming across as an insufferable prick who doesn’t socialize very well even in situations that aren’t that serious in the long run. You don’t have to get this heated about semantics when it doesn’t affect you in the slightest.

Probably a tie between Minecraft and Pokémon

With help from my wife, I separated myself from a lot of my old habits and negative coping mechanisms once I got out of college. My childhood sucked massive balls, and I didn’t deal with it very well at the time. I now see myself as a more whole person instead of the jumbled mess I used to be.

The Chiss are, but I don’t believe the others made it through.

Tiny rock boar (Arkansas hillbilly) 🪨:ar-flag:🐗

I have no thoughts on the man himself.

I do, however, know that in the town of Conway, AR, they hold the potential to open a strip club and call it Conway Titty.

A girl I was in college marching band with ran down the sidewalk after rehearsal and slapped several guys (including me) on the butt. I was mostly shocked in the moment, but I got pretty mad about it later on. If that was a dude slapping women’s butts without permission, they’d be in trouble immediately. If I’d thought about it at the time, I’d go report her myself, although it likely wouldn’t go anywhere.

To anyone who lives in or has visited the UK - are people actually scared of roadmen? What experiences have you had involving them?

Tiny rock boar (Arkansas hillbilly) 🪨:ar-flag:🐗

God please let this happen, it’ll entertain me for the rest of my life lmao

I just so happened to zoom directly into it. I feel like that definitely should’ve been harder than it was lol

“Get all the money and ahhhhh tongue click lemme also get two number 9s, a number 9 large…”

Tiny rock boar (Arkansas hillbilly) 🪨:ar-flag:🐗

I’m a fan of my home state of Arkansas - “Regnat populus.” The people rule.

Too bad some of the people aren’t the smartest.

Please don’t compare innocent festering plague boils to that sludge-filled harlot


And maybe Gelt’s Eastern Adventures after that

I blame our media tbh. For the most part, everything is pretty normal over here. Our news channels turn everything into a cult of personality, though, so the crazies get their time on camera. This is the part of America that the rest of the world sees, unfortunately.

To be fair, I just put a small decimal. I could probably add two or three more 0s to it and still not get low enough. It’s mostly just to say that nowhere near the majority of Americans were being idiots about the eclipse.

And yeah I definitely wish it was 0. We have some very loud morons in this country, but that’s the case no matter where you go. I just feel like American morons like to stand in the spotlight more than others. Case in point: our Congress.

Correction, we have a few REALLY LOUD evangelicals (and politicians with room temperature IQs for some reason) claiming that this unspectacular astrological event was an endtimes sign. A few thousand doesn’t mean anything in regards to the full population of the US.

Love the generalization, thanks for painting me and all of my fellow countrymen as idiots when less than 0.5 percent of the population of the US reacted like this. Great post!

Just went and subbed on YouTube, can’t wait for the first episode!

Pokémon XD: Gale of Darkness. That was my absolute favorite when I was younger, and I still play it on an emulator when I have time

If you’re gonna write a song-based joke (even in poor taste), at least make it rhyme

Right? All of our current state-level and higher politicians are nuts and they got voted in cause there’s a big fat R next to their name on the ballot