sorry about a lot of these comments girl, these ppl are weird… i would say mention the celibacy in profile and maybe trying some religious type of apps. ik you go to church already, but is there another church you can maybe meet someone at? maybe joining the community in other ways (volunteering at catholic school, religion based organizations, etc.). you will def have to go extra miles than others finding someone, but it’s obviously possible and there are many men whose views align with your own


you’re so real

told myself there was not a single quote that can change my mind…but i think that quote is slowing changing it. i can see KC’s hand as we speak😭😭

i’m assuming the disney land joke is bc she’s underage and that is so nasty…

i know we’re far, but “you gave me a social disease” better be for “y” ong

anyways, “liberty you’re abt as edgy as a butter knife”

it genuinely looks like one of those tablecloth thingys, just go to home goods girl and save that reformation money lol

yeah this happens to me on weekly basis at the bar i work at. we close at 12 on weekdays and sundays, but once a week we always have one single table that choose stay past closing (usually until 2-3 am, never before 2 and once until 4 am but i wasn’t on that shift). the bar is closed, bartender gone, kitchen and cooks gone, they can’t order anything more and are just simply sipping on their watered down half empty drinks and talking. one of them said to se me as they were leaving and “apologizing” , “sorry for staying so past closing, the vibes were just great even without drinks!” :|

started working at this place like 2 months ago and i’m quitting unless i get only opening shifts lmfao

babes if i looked her i would also make sure everyone is tired of me😭

i just turned 22, what is a subspace??

i was sober before and now i’m a lil drunk, burn his house down now girl (or later if we’re being “smart”🙄✋🏻😔)and get some therapy <3

your ass looks great at least! but yeah the pants need to sit a little higher and maybe have an extra inch or 2 of inseam. the pants fitting short on you kinda makes it look like you have short legs. more fabric should fix that though!

pls don’t listen to these ppl and pls pick #2 i love it sm!!

i used to think it was completely normal to love your child more than your spouse but apparently it’s not??? ive met SOOO many ppl that believe the love between the spouses is sacred and should be the love you cherish the most. which is complete and utter bullshit but to each their own. as long as me and my spouse can agree on loving our kid more than each other, my nerves are rested

real life isn’t always like the movies. if i’m being honest, chances are they’re not gonna make it. i believe ppl can break up and come back together (even if they date other ppl before coming back together), but the circumstances have to be pure. this is not pure. he deliberately chose to use you and disrespect your relationship, he’s gonna get what his and it’s definitely not gonna be that girl.

i’m also personally on the boat of burning his house down but maybe therapy before that

yeah cause we don’t feel as pressured as others have in the past…

i work in hell’s kitchen (close to the beloved olive garden times square), curious as to what place this is for😭 like is it a dive bar kinda place or an upscale bar kinda place?

damn i didn’t even know there was a second season💀

i used to go to school around there and visited the area apt bc my best friend lived there. quiet neighborhood, great food is best i could say. went to a few bars around and didn’t see much life except from older people.

traveling also sucks from up there lol

i wish i could see your reaction when you see that you got free food!

my bf also told me he just “wasn’t thinking” clearly “with everything going on” during his difficult week. this was after he cheated on me tho!

just saying if that’s her excuse, proceed with caution. i think guys and girls can be friends, but when one/both are in a relationship with other ppl- there’s definitely boundaries that need be put in place. letting yk BEFORE inviting him over was the simple move and she couldn’t do that. idk it was mistake but it just seems like an even bigger mistake waiting to happen, but maybe give her another chance if you really think you actually know her