Over the years I've seen many "unbalanced" couples. Most often I've found that they are together because they actually love each other. As opposed to people who couple with an agenda.

He's with you because he loves you. In his eyes you are a 10.

NTA Tell mil that the "cold bitch" gene isn't present in your family bloodline.


Please post pictures that are ratable, i.e. no duck lips If you read the posting rules for this sub you will understand what you need to do

I just pooped and I have the same expression on my face. Once you get older you will understand.

NTA She is either likely having sex with someone else or she's a manipulative kook.

I would have walked out, leaving the crap on the table. A "Fuck me? No, fuck you" situation.

NTA Tell your husband that just because he has trash for parents doesn't mean your children have to suffer from said trash. You may have to go no contact with them, as they will absolutely try to undermine your authority.

Okay then, it's Mr. Pickles. Make sure you have proper respect in your voice when you address Mr. Pickles.

It would be nice if Costco would ban the trash members.

It would be hard to resist the urge to take their trailer and put it in the river.

Asperger's Syndrome, which is the general type of autism you would see in students became a diagnosis in the USA in1994.

I'm not aware of a good quality king size mattress under $1,300. If you can stretch your budget to $1,500, Sleep on Latex is an excellent mattress. The down side to mattress shopping is that nobody can tell you what will be comfortable for you. The only way is to try a mattress and let your body tell you what works for you.

That said, another option is to DIY a mattress. The most economical way is to buy a polyfoam base to add comfort layers to. Foam by Mail has several different foams to choose from.


If you want coil springs, Texas Picket Coil is top notch.


As to what comfort layer will work for you, I'm partial to latex with a wool topper. However, that's for me. What works for you may be different from what works for me.

NTA Your guilt simply means you're not a sociopath. It's okay to say no, and it's okay to feel guilty. You are going to be faced with emotionally loaded "no" moments throughout life.

Same brand I would recommend.

NTA Stop being soft. Tell her directly "Stop stealing from me."

There's a period at the end of that sentence, indicating a complete thought with no need for further discussion.

If you don't take legal action, next time you see him kick him in the balls. Then say "It's okay, it's just a joke."

Andis makes professional quality trimmers. I don't have a recommendation for a specific model. Check out their website.

No need for a brain cell when you're both handsome and can purr!

I understand how low intelligence twerp lore gets easily confused. In the real world things happen differently than they do according to twerp lore.

Off the top of my head I can think of a few instances where a police officer had their gun taken from them. Now, for more reality, many people are hesitant to very hesitant to shoot another human. It's one thing to pull a gun, it's another to shoot someone. Many people understand that, no matter how justified, shooting someone, killing someone, will have negative effects on their psyche.

The people who can kill someone without giving it another thought are to some degree sociopaths. Are you a sociopath?

I've had two instances where I had to pull my handgun, which stopped the aggressors. If things had gone a different way and I had needed to shoot someone, I would rationalize that I was simply protecting myself. But, I know it would have plagued me for the rest of my life.

War veterans are a good example. I've spoken with veterans ranging from WWI veterans to veterans of both Afghanistan and Iraq. Some were family members or friends. Some were at one of the two VA hospitals I've worked at. There's a consistent theme amongst combat veterans who have killed in battle, that of regret. The constant "He was trying to kill me so I had to kill him," trying to drown out the "Holy fuck, I killed someone."

Many combat veterans don't know if they killed anyone as they weren't involved in hand to hand combat. It's point your gun in the direction of the enemy and shoot. I'm speaking of veterans who were looking at a human and they shot them.

One fellow, whose unit in Vietnam was assigned to aid the CIA. Basically given a picture, go to the village, find the person and shoot them. As a result he was an alcoholic before he was discharged. He remained an alcoholic until about nine years ago. Because of what he experienced, what he had to do.

At first I doubted his story. The VA representative that dealt with veterans at the shelter he was staying at, with permission, shared the guys military record with me. 100% accurate. You hear about this kind of stuff, but to speak with someone who was involved is, well, life changing.

Anyways, there's much more nuance to being a human than carrying a gun and killing someone in self defense.

Call the police and prosecute. It's unfortunate, but that's all some people will respond to.

NTA You have the type of parents that many feel they need to go low or no contact with. If you choose to have children, they are not the type of people you want around your children. They will both undermine and disrespect you in front of your children.

Not everyone is comfortable carrying a handgun. That's okay just as much as it's okay if you choose to carry a handgun.

It's fair for people to understand that it can be very to somewhat easy to take a gun from someone, especially if they are not physically strong and lack training.

We know that you must train on a regular basis with your carry gun in order to both become and maintain proficiency. Many people either aren't interested in or don't have time for that level of commitment, while others don't have ranges where they live.

That to say something is better than nothing. It's best to support people's choices, and if you're able, to help them become proficient with their defensive weapon(s) of choice.

You may have luck with a wool topper. You would think that wool sleeps hot, but wool breathes well so it sleeps cool. I find it extremely comfortable. Of course, as with everything bedding related, what works for someone else may not work for you.

NTA I dated a female who had a demon spawn the same age as your GS's demon spawn. The female is an RN who masked many scary behaviors. She was "a free spirit", a "hippy" who believed that kids should be left to grow into who they are. I soon realized that she has Borderline Personality Disorder, which she eventually admitted to.

Anyways, her demon spawn was chasing his older sister and a couple other kids first with a baseball bat, which I took away from him. Then with a steel rod that was about ½" in diameter. I took that from him. She was mad at me for doing so. Apparently we were supposed to let him kill one of the kids.

Enough of my tail of woe. Your GF has to step back from her relationship with her child and look at the big picture. If her kid is mentally ill that he poses a threat to her safety, and that threat is getting worse as the demon spawn gets older, that she likely will have to relinquish custody to the state. They will keep him in a mental health ward for the rest of his days.

Of course Mom's going to initially take the stance of no way I'm abandoning my child. Your best bet may be to find other parents that have had to relinquish custody for the sake of safety. They will be better able to relate to what she is going through.

So an HVAC guy knows less than you? Come on. Sometimes it's better to sit quietly and let everyone think you're dumb than to raise your hand and remove all doubts.