Less than $3,500? Press x to doubt. I just bought some of Samsung’s 32TB SAS SSDs for work. Not disclosing numbers but they were more than that.

Yeah terraform destroy is all kinds of messed up with this provider and I’ll probably need to contribute some code. On UEFI VMs KVM appends some nvram objects and other BIOS keys that cause VMs to not be able to be removed. I’ve had to stop the VMs, edit the XML to remove the UEFI keys, then delete the VMs. I deleted my entire state directory as well but good point on checking to see if terraform sees something else.

I’ve also thought about just creating two terraform configurations as a final hacked solution. One to create just the storage pool and another to create the rest of the dependent objects.

It was working previously until I manually deleted and undefined all the resources. I just found out about the `terraform graph` command and generated a PNG. Just about answers my question. If I'm reading it right, it thinks the very last thing it should generate is the storage pool, despite the `depends_on` nudge. I'll have to look at the provider and read the docs to see if it has a larger piece to play than I thought.

Libvirt depends_on errorHelp Wanted

I'm working on some simple TF code to provision VMs on a host using libvirt/KVM. I'm using the dmacvicar/libvirt provider to do so. For whatever reason, even the most trivial code seems to be choked up the fact a storage pool doesn't exist yet. Here's an example:


Create a libvirt pool for us
to store data on NFS

resource "libvirt_pool" "company-vms" { name = "staging-primary" type = "dir" path = "/var/lib/libvirt/images/NFS/staging-primary" }

Use this image everywhere
It can be anything so long as it has cloud-init

resource "libvirt_volume" "base-image-rhel9_base-150g" { name = "rhel9_base-150g.qcow2" pool = libvirt_pool.company-vms.name source = "https://<url_to_repostory>/rhel9_base-150g.qcow2" depends_on = [libvirt_pool.company-vms] } ```

If I run terraform plan I get the following: ``` # libvirt_pool.company-vms will be created + resource "libvirt_pool" "company-vms" { + allocation = (known after apply) + available = (known after apply) + capacity = (known after apply) + id = (known after apply) + name = "staging-primary" + path = "/var/lib/libvirt/images/NFS/staging-primary" + type = "dir" }

Plan: 2 to add, 0 to change, 0 to destroy. ╷ │ Error: error retrieving pool staging-primary for volume /var/lib/libvirt/images/NFS/staging-primary/rhel9_base-150g.qcow2: Storage pool not found: no storage pool with matching name 'staging-primary' │ │ with libvirt_volume.base-image-rhel9_base-150g, │ on make-vm.tf line 11, in resource "libvirt_volume" "base-image-rhel9_base-150g": │ 11: resource "libvirt_volume" "base-image-rhel9_base-150g" { │ ╵ ```

So what's happening? I always thought Terraform itself created the dependency tree and this seems like a trivial example. Am I wrong? Is there something in the provider itself that needs to be fixed in order to better suggest dependencies to terraform? I'm at a loss.

They probably programmed it to be extremely cautious about where it pulls over, perhaps even just to keep it secret how often they are getting pulled over. I.E. not just benignly “I’ll park here” but rather “look for a very safe place to park.”

Likely the same price, just better shipping and tax rates.

Even regular Jenga (to which this bears no resemblance) is $16, priced to sell many many copies. So I’d expect with laser cutting for it to jump a lot.

Not really. That implies there are people that actually keep learning and leveling up. There are tons of people that get a sysadmin job and then happily keep maintaining windows 2012 R2 servers into 2024. Their skills do not magically become mid to high end skills because they have 8 YoE.

I’m more in the DevOps world these days and that’s even more true because we keep pushing new tech.

Year later but Bat country was a good point. Painful but my first attempt ended at minute 20 with 97.8K killed.

Yeah it really is ha. I have 100% of achievements and secrets and kinda miss the days of chasing them. Every release I jump on and do everything to keep up.

🤷‍♂️ What do you need? Are you trying to run a server for VMs? Just a bunch of containers? A Plex server with lots of storage? They all have vastly different requirements.

Final pitch for the game Wobbly Life if you have kids. It’s a fun sandbox exploration game. I’ve been playing it for 2+ years through every update and have 250+ hours on it with my kids. It has online play and 4-player split screen co-op, so you can get up to 3 kids playing with you for one $15 purchase.

You do quests to help people, do jobs to make money, buy cars, clothes and houses. Lots of secrets and Easter eggs. Lots of fun jokes all around.

Correct answer. I bought a fully loaded Herman Miller for $400 (normally $1200 new) at the start of the pandemic. At the time I was easily sitting for 14+ hours a day between 8-10 hours of remote work, 2 hours of remote college classes and 2+ hours of homework for university. Still functional now, and likely has 5+ years on it easy.

Doesn’t the V2 enclosure have spots for spools at the tip for MMU3? I’m in the middle of making it now so I’m just hoping that part was all thought out.

I keep about 60+ games on my SD but I’ve come to use the “Favorites” group as what I’m currently playing, as well as apps like YouTube and Plex. So I’ll only put 2-3 games there as “these are next in the queue” games and typically play to completion. I’ve also just been trophy hunting to 100% on a lot of games because of the Steam Deck.

I really want to know if they’re going to do anything majorly new/innovative with the game. Not that they’re related, but I hope Palworld showed them that there’s a huge demand for something unique in this space, things that make it feels like a world and not just “tada here’s Pokémon.”

I still want to experience like a 100-200 person LAN. We used to do smaller ~25 person LANs at ny local university. My friends dad did IT there. They had an image loaded up with all the popular games, CS, TF, AoE 2, etc. So they just imaged the entire lab to be LAN machines and at the end they’d flash it back to the regular “Microsoft office and learning software” image.

There’s a joke that every American’s retirement is based on Apple stock going up at a regular rate.

I’ve found that dual booting but with Windows on its on little drive works just fine (after this happened to me 6+ times). Basically Windows had full control over its middle tier SATA SSD and my Linux OS on an NVMe drive. The only thing Linux knows about Windows is Grub stuff. The end.

Honestly not much I’m jumping at right now. Maybe Returnal. Also found a game like Where’s Waldo but with cats for $2 so maybe that.

Really just want them to announce the release date for TLOU Pt 2.

See that’s what I mean though. That does seem like Linus tends to do in several videos but that implies I have a second hand. In the case of installing SSDs in Drive caddies I was using my second hand to hold the SSD and Caddy in alignment, at least for the first 2/4 screws. So it feels like in order to use it effectively, I need to do everything prepped at a workbench.

Fair on all points.

I’m aware of why it behaves that way, I guess the post would better be titled “Do people actually like ratcheting screwdrivers?” I don’t think I’ve seen any major dissenting opinions, which seems weird if there’s some percentage of people that might be like me and just don’t like them.

That’s because they’re magnets, not magics.

I particularly brought up the drive caddy one because it seemed like the only way I could feasibly use the LTT one is at a workbench where I can practically set either the driver or SSD down to set up the screw correctly. The ifixit one is so small that I can just fix the alignment anywhere or start it off closer to the shaft one handed.

I might just have to be more objective with it and race then in that scenario.

Anyone else think the screwdriver is kinda meh?Discussion

Am I missing something? Do I just not have the right use case? For context I’ve been using the iFixIt kit for the last ~5+ years and cheapish fixed shafts from Husky whenever I have to do something like plumbing.

I bought the screwdriver about 2 weeks ago with the scribedriver. I love the scribedriver, not so much the screwdriver.

I only have two complaints but they feel somewhat large. Most of the screws I’m dealing with don’t have that much friction to them until nearly complete. What this means is that on all ratchet turns to reset my hand, I lose about 30deg of rotation (1 hour if we’re talking a clock.) So if I do 180 and then back, I’ve effectively only done 150 degrees of rotation. This was especially bad on a few of the cheap toys my kids have with plastic screws. I just put it in fixed mode and reset my grip on the handle. I thought it’d be better on things with some heft but not really. I just dropped my kids crib mounts that have some larger 1/4” bolts going into Mating Caps. Still the same problem.

I recall in other reviews others calling this “backsplash”? Everyone seemed to pass it off or say that it was the best among ratcheting drivers. But I feel like, if I never even had to learn about this problem, it tells me fixed drivers just don’t have this issue. Worse, I felt like my intuition told me to just do more to each rotation, but this led to tension in my wrists that could honestly result in an injury.

The other is that I find the magnet to be a little too strong and honestly slows me down. On the aforementioned crib, I found myself being just a little off and rather than somehow aligning because of the magnet, it latched itself to the side of the head. So I had to reset three times and stick the landing.

Same issue was worse on some servers I was working on. We got in 20 new SAS SSDs at my work and the corresponding 2.5” drive caddies so I brought my screwdriver to try it out. The magnet was helpful for picking up screws, but rarely magically aligned with the head. So then I had to use my other hand to seat the screw correctly on the screwdriver tip. When I went to screw them in, the magnet would latch onto the drive caddy side since it was a larger piece of metal (or more iron content). This would in term tip the screw off the screwdriver again. It’d still be on the screwdriver, but sideways or off axis. I’d then have to reseat it again and stick the landing perfectly.

To be fair, I now realize this happens on my ifixit driver, but the solution takes less time. For starters, since the driver is smaller, I can sometimes use one hand to fix the issue or just hold it closer to the shaft and the weight isn’t off balance. Once started I might move my hand up to the handle. If I ever missed the slot slightly, I could just push a little and things would slide into the slot. On the LTT screwdriver it felt like magnet stopped me from just correcting and instead forced a reset.

Didn’t they already do this with Microcenter? They it 2-3 times where they built a good PC and then put it for like $50.

No one knows the cycling rules in California. I’m sure it’s a section that people skip over studying for their DMV test. Did you know that it’s technically illegal to ride on the sidewalk unless allowed by the city? “As a bicyclist, you must: … Not ride on the sidewalk (unless allowed by the city).” 2024 Edition Section 7, pg 46.

I’ve had people yell at me “go on the sidewalk” in a city where it is technically illegal to do so.

EDIT: Since this sub is about San Diego, yes it is illegal to bike on the sidewalk. Source: https://www.sandiego.gov/bicycling/bicycle-and-scooter-sharing/faq#:~:text=Can%20bikes%2Fscooters%20be%20ridden,from%20being%20operated%20on%20sidewalks.