It doesn’t and I have. The alleged NDE’s suggest it isn’t enough to avoid hell. They go on to say something about to avoid being an individual and that the “individual” experience is hell. That suggests to me that I should be building a community and solitude is a ticket to hell and also that kindness isn’t enough.

If true, this is devastating to me. I’ve longed my entire life to be left alone in peace. Sounds like I’m heading straight to some version of hell because I can’t bring my self to keep kind company outside of family. I have my children and my wife. I try to be a good provider, offer advice when I think it’s relevant, and struggle with being kind while balancing my desire for solitude. I’m always kind to strangers especially service workers (very few exceptions). My nature is to be alone and it would be unfair to be punished for that. I hope this isn’t true.

:libright:- Lib-Right

I mean an argument could be made in the sense that a fascist globalist would consider fellow globalist part of their “nation” while everyone else are “separatists” or “racists” “:::insert enemy of globalist:::”. Consider the idea that swaths of EU embrace globalism while showing fascist traits.

I full well understand the difference. I don’t agree that a globalist isn’t considered a fascist using the above stated criteria.

If you ever see those blades up close, they’re almost the size of Cessna wings. Me and 10 people had the pleasure of hand pushing one slightly uphill into a hangar during a thunderstorm a few years ago. It’s a big girl.

:libright:- Lib-Right

I think an argument could be made that ultranationalism could include globalism.

I’m too jaded to find it but I was thumbing thru a Reddit thread this morning where Redditors were outright saying Biden should kill Trump before he becomes a dictator. The irony, the projection. :::chefs kiss:::

Showed my token liberal co-worker. He agreed whole-heartedly. He mumbled something about Jan 6 as I walked out of the room.

:libright:- Lib-Right General Discussion Forum. You’re welcome.

Saw Jammin: I’ll get you a fucking toe

Serious question. Do they still say “you-ins” and “yunz” there?

He figured out how to fingerboard with a real skateboard.

Adding this post to my research about Heli pilots jumping ship to airlines

I haven’t seen a city in the US where you can live within 1-2miles of the city center and raise a family safely or affordably. It’s unfortunate but definitely a reality.

My morning commute is an hour. Afternoon commute 1-2hrs depending on crashes and looky-loos. I only live 26miles from work.

Again, for the millionth time. This guy in the video is cooked. I’m not talking about that. I said that in my original reply. I said he’s fucked (in more words). I said generally “dump your drugs, the onus of proof is on the prosecution and a decent lawyer can argue whatever they found isn’t yours”. Then gave you an example. Someone (maybe you or someone else) was saying dumping your shit is pointless. It isn’t.

Edit: 100% people leave drugs on the side of the road. People who dumped their shit and cops didn’t find it. Kids find drugs on the ground in shitty neighborhoods all the time. Drug dealers store their drugs on the ground for the very reason of not getting caught with it. A lawyer could argue exactly that.

You’re projecting your dissonance. I clearly stated that the idea of dumping drugs is not a bad one in reference to the guy above that was arguing against dumping drugs. I then went to explain it further to you and others. I also clearly stated I was NOT talking above the above video to you and others. I referencing the idea that “dumping your drugs while fleeing is pointless”. It isn’t. Thats it. I can’t help you anymore. Always dump your drugs. You stand a good chance of beating the case because they will have to prove it was yours. Can be difficult WITHOUT 4k drone video. Thats my point.

The part you are failing to understand is when an “object” leaves the sight of a camera, it can be argued the retrieved “object” isn’t the originally thrown object. A great example is grainy dashcam footage showing “something” being thrown from a car and a cop saying “ta-da” we found an ounce of pot on the side of the road. Again, pay attention, I’m not talking about the specific video posted above. I’m talking in general.

Specifically not talking about this case as I stated. In an example like dumping drugs from a moving car, it can be argued the “found” drugs were never in the possession of the person charged. Plausible deniability and it would usually require a jury. Judges tend to side with cops.