Xbox User: KnifedHim nuked the parade right after the first bits were gathered.

His family must hate him.

You'll have to pry these Tommy John's from my cold lifeless corpse

Scum rises to the top, again and again.

My experience is based on growing up in Philly and NJ. I'm glad you had positive experiences in your area.

Not in mine.

I'm also a retired LEO, so downvote all you want but I am well aware of the disdain many police officers in this part of the country have for disenfranchised members of society.

No, I was talking about how people are upset about these protesters ruining their sacred sporting event.

It was a compliment. What is wrong with you?

Outstanding work, I will put you in for a medal.

If they're closed you might have to make a report in person when they're open, obviously.

Bigots in AZ hate seeing other people having pride in what they hate.