Same! Just my craft hobbies alone (the mountain of patterns I haven’t done yet) would keep me in the house and entertain me for years! That’s not counting my outside hobbies! I’ll never understand people who would say they’re bored

I’ve never had butter cake before but I thought this was good! I’d get it again if it returns

What brand miso paste do you use? I don’t have an Asian store near me so I will have to buy from Amazon

I almost got this one! But I had just previously splurged on a premium and I like to keep those at a minimum

I was just gonna say this! I see them every year in the gift set section during Xmas

How were you supposed to become more maternal if you were never supposed to "mother" these children?!?


Some plants do that when there’s too much moisture

Not sure how others feel but I really wish he would have taken out the wife/mother first…don’t like or trust that b!tch

I haven’t met a fish I haven’t liked. It wasn’t until I got HF that I tried tilapia, always thought of it as a bottom feeder but I have loved every tilapia dish I’ve tried from here.

But yeah, if you didn’t like salmon, I’m sure you wouldn’t like this then. Taste like a muted salmon, also same texture. (I didn’t know they were related, don’t do much research for fish stuff, lol). But for me, might be a good alternative if it’s cheaper than salmon.

Do all the prep work first and have everything ready/open/measured out. It doesn’t take much to overcook something on the stove cause you forgot to chop or have something measured out ready to add.

Also be sure to read the directions. Not all the sauce/spice packets are the correct measurement. I learned that one the hard way by adding the whole soy sauce packet one time 😖

I put those straight in the fridge after buying. They taste so good chilled. Fresher and mintier!

Sister is way too old to be acting like that…had to double check her age. I learned all that when I started driving at 16, no way was I gonna be left in a bad position due to ignorance.

originals and mini chewy...miss the giant sweetarts

I watched GND in its original run except for S5 and thereafter. I recently did a rewatch and included S6. I felt like the producers didn't think they had to do anything extra and people would just watch. Other than Crystal, I had no idea who those girls were and honestly, they didn't seem at all interesting or original. If there had been more seasons with them, I prolly wouldn't have continued watching them. They had none of the charm HBK had. Plus, it didn't really seem like Hef was invested in them either. His interactions seemed even more superficial/scripted compared to HBK.

My first time having this. Yes, very similar to salmon but less salmon-y.

This was my first time having trout. I was surprised that it’s so similar to salmon, idk why, but I thought it would be different. But I love salmon so obviously I enjoyed this.