Hysterical šŸ˜‚ At least the showering thing was a little bit original. Come up with new material


Anyone reading along, ignore this man!! Showering 6 times a day. What will they think of next.

Pee is sterile, there is no need to shower every time a woman pees. Washing 6-8 times a day?? Please.

I canā€™t read this without picturing Patrick Roy deking at center ice

ā€œHeā€™s lost his mind!!ā€

Yes thatā€™s the place to operate a covert sting, at an event with tens of thousands ā€¦???

This is hilarious (and sad but it sounds like youā€™re hopefully doing a bit better now!) but itā€™s like that friend you avoid when you know theyā€™ll call you out šŸ˜†

I hear you about the the algorithm getting worse. The point of Home is to get you hooked on even more new channels so you spend all your waking hours on YouTubeā€¦ which backfires because JUST SHOW ME WHAT I WANT TO SEE so I donā€™t give up and exit the app!

Iā€™m just going to leave this as a stand-alone comment because it seems like a lot of people donā€™t know about the subscription tab. I canā€™t imagine trying to use YouTube by scrolling the home feed and waiting for it to show me what I want to watch.

The algorithm is terrible. I only scroll my subscription tab

Thereā€™s a subscription tab! At least for me. Along the bottom thereā€™s home (terrible), shorts (terrible), search, subscriptions, my account (history & playlists). I go straight to the subscription tab and catch up

If he could just stay in Russia and craft Buchelnikov to shock the league in 2 years, I could settle for that

He seems to be everywhere. I know he was working with Mo in Europe and in Grand Rapids

I donā€™t know whatā€™s wrong with me but I need that janky winged wheel on merch

I think itā€™s quite heartfelt, he mentions fans & the city like 3 times

Everything is cheaper at Aldiā€¦ occasionally I make a trip to another grocery store when they have a sale on meat.

Some items Walmart is pretty close but I hate shopping at Walmart (both the experience and knowing how they treat employees) and I would spend up the few dollars in savings on gas for the extra trip anyway.

Someone else said they had one in Florida that was just vanilla. So donā€™t buy it in Florida!!!

Different brands use different recipes. The original was Strohā€™s and the flavors were blue moon, lemon, and red pop (strawberry)

Isnā€™t there still one or two Strohā€™s ice cream shops left? In case you wanted to see if it tastes the way you remember. Although I think our brains color childhood memories so that nothing else can ever come close

Wait Iā€™m sorry what?? Far worse than just not selling it. All vanilla flavored???

No, it would be impossible for YOU to do it.

If you care about the facts (doubtful) you can search up ā€œerrors tourā€ on YouTube and find clips of how high her mic is turned up when she calls for help for the audience. If she were lip synching her mic would not be that hot. Just last night Dublin N2 the platform she was on got stuck and you can hear laugh in the mic.

She trained like an athlete for this tour. She is singing her heart out up there and itā€™s so infuriating that Grohl knew this lie would stick in some peopleā€™s minds and knew he was lying and still lied. Just why??? For what. Ugh