Nigeria claims to be the Giant of Africa. We’ve been saying it since the 80s at least. And for a long time we have acted like one.

Our army has been sent all over the continent to liberate people, like Sierra Leone and Liberia. We helped Liberia get over Charles Taylor and restore democracy. When other countries were timid, we helped South Africa during apartheid. During Obasanjo’s time, we helped start NEPAD at the AU.

But now, we’re not anymore but we still carry ourselves like we are. Other countries used to look up to us but now they’ve realized that we are just like those old uncles who talk a lot when drunk but have nothing they’re doing.

There’s a possibility that he might have thought you would be on the same page about quitting, since like you said there have been some challenges.

The other side of you not owing him anything is that he doesn’t owe you anything either. I would respond by saying I thought about what you said and I’d like to continue.

Businesses found that if you ask people for tips using the POS machines they tip more than if you leave a tip jar or something else so now they all do it. Costs them nothing.

I’ve never heard of this service but writing is something you get better at by writing. If you have a writing unit at your university try taking a short course there.

On the research aspect, it would be much better to find someone in your university (ideally on your committee) who can give you feedback on something specific. General research advice is almost never useful. You want to select something specific and find someone who knows that thing, do some reading about it and present some options for them to give you feedback on.

I agree with almost everything you said, but supervisors hire students to do work in areas only mildly related to theirs all the time. There are a lot of times when your prof is not the best person to give you advice because they simply don’t know enough about it.

Had a kid at the end of my first year. I think it taught me focus more than anything else. You have less time to do work so you learn to do the most with the time you have.

My wife works remotely too and became the breadwinner, thankfully I worked for a few years so I had some savings. I learnt to do more than a 50:50 split of chores to account for my reduced income. We each take one day off from child care so that the other person can do anything they want, that has helped our relationship.

It was a great season. When people really love a show they’re invested in how it ends and never like it if it doesn’t end how they think it will.

It depends on your field. In management and economics, it’s very normal to not have any publications. Prospective profs apply with their working paper.

In the sciences, people typically have a few publications when applying for jobs but where they are published matters more. In fact in computer science, conferences matter more than some journals.

I’ve only used Qualtrics to do surveys where I recruited people from a specific place, like Prolific for example, and they had to enter their ID for me to cross check. Or when I distributed the survey myself, like in a class. But here’s what I’ve done to reduce unwanted responses.

Someone else has mentioned attention checks; you can include about 2: one where people have to read a text to answer a non-obvious answer and another where people have to click or type in a very obvious answer.

Another thing I’ve done is add a question about Location in the demographic section of the survey and then crosscheck that with the IP addresses that are collected as part of Qualtrics metadata. Of course, you have to say you’re going to do this in the consent form.

Whether they win or not, they’ve got a better chance than us. I’m just explaining his thought process.

He wants a 5th ring. Since the Warriors didn’t pay him what he wanted, he decided to go where he can win.

We're not better until we replace them with better players.

Congratulations! It’s absolutely normal to not tell people you’re expecting until after the 1st trimester. Don’t worry about that. I’m sure your PI would be happy for you.

I’d recommend you think a little about what that might mean for you before telling your PI: taking time off, for how long, where you’d like to leave your projects etc. You don’t need to have everything set in stone just some ideas that you can flesh out later, it would be great to show that you’ve thought about this somewhat. And maybe check your institution’s parental leave policy for postdocs.

Agree with reaching out to the editor for clarification. Even if you don't, you don't have to do everything a reviewer says. You have to consider it then respond in your response letter. Your response can be something like "thanks for your feedback. In line with Reviewer 1 and 3, we have updated this section to include X, Y, and Z. Our current analysis is inline with BigNameResearcher et al (2019), and is a better fit with our objectives."

It was obvious that Kerr and Myers had serious disagreements before Myers left. There was that press conference where Myers said "why would I draft someone when they would never play," if I remember correctly. For the two-timeline plan to have worked, Kerr needed to play the players they drafted even before they were ready. The only reason Poole was good enough to start in 2022 was because he played for the previous 2 years when the Warriors were not any good. We saw how Kuminga had to demand playing time before he was given any chance.

So Myers left. MDJ is in this position because of that.

Yes, but the dynasty ended because of the aftermath of the punch.

The Warriors should have punished Draymond significantly, in a manner that fit the punch and communicated to the team that no one can pull something like that. They did not do that and protected Draymond from real criticism. Well, that alienated Poole and his friends like Wiggins and Looney. There was no recovery after that.

The 2022 ring happened because that team had great chemistry, on paper they were not the best team. Poole established a friendly rivalry with Klay and Steph, and his hard work was paying off. Wiggins was motivated and Klay was competitive and hungry, just back from injury. Both of them had great off seasons the summer after, everyone was excited to get back. How they handled the punch ruined all that. For goodness sake, Kerr was angrier at the person who leaked the video than at Draymond. Then they paid Draymond again the next offseason.

It was a waste because we lost a max contract spot and CP3 walked for free. Yes, Poole was bad the previous year but that was still the Warriors fault for not punishing Draymond adequately.

It was also a waste because we should not have gotten CP3 in the first place. His addition to the team made no sense, given the way we play. It was a terrible trade last year and a terrible way to end it now. Just terrible management all the way.

I think he’s lost trust with Dunleavy so he would rather go somewhere else and start over.

You’re hurt and I understand, won’t change anything though. Klay played his heart out for us when he could, took the toughest defensive assignments, and never disrespected the club. Yes, we paid him while he was injured but he earned that salary. And he underwent 2 gruelling years of rehab to get back, he did the work too. Rehab is insane to get through. He never put the club through half the shit Draymond has, and Dunleavy is not the heavy hitter that Myers was to talk him into a new contract.