I'd argue they were equal

:Italy: :Piemonte: Former Calabrian

The non call on the handball says otherwise

Yeah but context and reason don't belong in the comments section of a Reddit post

How did you apply the patch to get around the DNAS check?

Netflix is a for profit streaming company. They're not some altruistic NGO. They are an alternative to traditional cable subscriptions, while trying to maximize profit as all businesses do. Facts aren't really bait but you do you I guess lol

They have nearly 300 million users so obviously it's a fair price that people are willing to pay for. They are a streaming service, it's literally the service they provide.

The point of any for profit business is to make profit, regardless of the service or goods they provide. Netflix isn't an investment firm. They are a publically traded company that provides content streaming services to its clients.

I mean there's lots of reasons to keep a subscription. It may not be for you but it works for 200+ million people.

A successful and profitable company worth hundreds of billions of dollars?

Love how on any thread there's Redditors giving their expert opinion on something they've never experienced

They prolly not even thinking about us

If you do it yourself going through these documents will feel more satisfying

Lmao seriously what a terrible, misinformed post. What's worse is he prefaces that he's a lawyer to lend credibility to his message, despite it being wrong.

Where did you hear this from? He was a criminal defense lawyer that ended up starting his own practice with his brother.

They take the expression clear as mud literally

Yeah but the photo without context is more provocative and gets most Redditors to fall for the bait.

I'm not going to yell at anyone, you can vote for whoever you want. I didn't say anything about whether Biden is the best DNC candidate, my point was responding to someone asking why not a third party. Unfortunately the corpse of Joe Biden is still the best shot today (not including hypothetical situations where he's replaced) at a trump defeat over voting for a third party.