It's because it was almost strictly used to laugh at people who spent money in the cash shop, and Blizzard is entirely money-focused

Why would you write this comment and not let us know what the name is

In terms of experience*

The entire spec was designed with hard hitting obliterates in mind, I couldn't imagine spamming Howling Blasts over and over again even if it's slightly ahead

I would highly reccomend to do every dungeon a few times as a DPS to understand the mechanics and flow, a lot of them are one shots. If the tank dies, the rest of the party dies.

By that logic, you also live rent free in my head, and even freer than me, since you called me unworthy of talking to you but you can't stop replying to me, proving that I actually am worthy.

To them, Boeing is now a meme. So they must reference as many jokes as possibly as soon as they hit a thread relating to them.

You trying to have a debate with people who read headlines only and upvote unfunny jokes. That is the extent of their knowledge.

Said unironically by the person with a 3rd grader's writing level and who refuses to elaborate on anything

Your arguments are as convincing as a crackhead trying to convince you that the earth is flat

I guess you're not my superior after all :(

Also, pro tip, sentences can't be poor. Their structure or wording can.

Give me one single example of my english being "terrible" and I'll accept you as my superior

You live in a english country which is not the same

French is literally the only official language of where I live

You obviously need to put a lot of work in your bait. I can sell you some trolling classes if you wish to improve from being a grey parsing troll.

English is also my second language and yet I still don't sound like a troglodyte like you when using it.

I literally made a career out of videogames, so yes I do spend some time in gaming subreddits.

You going through my history to find "dirt", and the most "insulting" thing you can come up with is "videogames"? 😂😂😂

You know, I initially called you a grey parsing redditor as a joke, but now you've proven multiple times that it isn't just a joke.

With your lack of comprehension and weak sentence structure, you need to spend less time in WoW and more time in english classes.

But you're an obvious troll with terrible bait...

Of course you never said that, it's an analogy of your shitty comments. Do I also need to explain to you what that is?

Not worthy to talk to you and yet you are forced to reply to every single one of my comments. Hmm, curious.

"Jokes on you, I'm only pretending to be an idiot"

Wow, you suuuuuure got me good

Plus having the windows open? How else would they hear branches cracking from far away.

Anyways, there's too many red flags to take this story seriously, as with most posts on "creepy" subreddits


I've ran dungeons to the point of going from friendly to exalted with every faction and not once have I seen a shadow priest do more than 1/2 the DPS of the second DPS.

It's even a meme in my friends' group chat:

Shadow priest sucks so much, every time it's bottom DPS 

yes hahaha 

And you are a grey parsing redditor, delete your account, mr. "Pex" and "journa" his characters, whatever that means...

The irony of you telling me how stupid my comment is when yours has two made up words in it.

Congratulations, you are R slurred