
You didn’t hear me talk about that because we were talking about Max lmao, follow the conversation my guy.


I have the utmost respect for Max lmao. I’m just capable of still being critical towards drivers when they do goofy moves


Reading comprehension isn’t your strong suit. Read the last part of that comment again bucko lmao


But but but max could have just given Lewis the space and set up a move after maggot and becket 🥺 nah that’s dumb. Lewis messed up by under steering with a car on the outside. Max has the right to be where he was then. Likewise max messed up by running into Lando in a situation where Lando had every right to stay put. I’m just amused by the narrative this sub is trying to spin lmao


Did you have the same energy at silverstone 21? Max had the entire outside and runoff? But you know the driver on the outside doesn’t have to move because the one on the inside needs more lmao


Where was this real estate argument at silverstone 21? Lmao this sub. Just gonna remind you that max had plenty of space on the inside of turn 3 and he is in no way entitled to claim more space from Norris on the outside lol


Goldfish level memory lmao


The stress induced by this comment took at least a year of my life


More than 50% of people would barely be able to race a rotax junior kart anywhere near its limit. The vast majority of people wouldn’t be able to safely navigate their cars on the road without traffic engineers and infrastructure peeps literally drawing lanes on the road, and even with clearly defined lanes people still suck.


But this isn’t July 4th week right?

No problem. Just keep putting in the work, ask questions, and learn. Then you’ll be set up well sooner than you’d expect

So he was technical in the hardware aspect and leveraged his existing knowledge to build something new? Then he is technical and just good at learning and adapting as well I suppose.

I can obviously only speak from the software/comp sci aspects of product development, so that is what I focused on in my comment. My comment was also directed mostly on creating an outline for OP since their post history suggests they are less than a year into app development. So I tried to make it more generalized.

Technical means that you have a fundamental and solid understanding of the technologies you are working with.

I’m sorry to break it to you, but if you are using ChatGPT as a crutch and only understand 20% (realistically you probably understand less than that at the moment) then you aren’t technical. You are basically just copying and pasting and following the instructions presented to you. You wouldn’t claim to know how to do things if you replaced ChatGPT with a teacher or instructor right?

But if this is your first exposure to software developing then keep learning and building things. But most importantly don’t use ChatGPT for everything if you actually want to understand what you are doing. You could easily be a descent dev within a year or two with enough knowledge to be considered more credible to YC, business partners, and employees. So basically just keep on learning, find out what type of developer you want to be a make a learning plan and stick to it. Use ChatGPT for assistance but don’t use it religiously.


I’m a Lewis and Kevin fan. Imagine my stress whenever the two end up near each other. It’s always incredibly stressful but their fights are always pretty entertaining

It still reads easier than 80% of business pitches I’ve read lmao

Edit: 60% Was way to low after seeing the next post in my feed


It’s not about being a Norris fan necessarily (I like him tho) but watching someone win their first race is always nice. It really doesn’t matter who they are, it’s a huge accomplishment in their life and career and it is always worth celebrating


I’ve been playing Iracing on and off for a little over a decade at this point and i still race the Miata’s often because I enjoy the racing there. I don’t know what splits you end up in, but I’m consistently in the top split and I very rarely experience this type of behavior. So no need to give up if it’s because of low IR races, the racing can be really good in this series and has been a solid part of my enjoyment of iracing. More so than the majority of faster cars and such available in the service :)


It was great to hear Gavin and Burnie on a podcast again. But from the entire convo, i’m not gonna elaborate too much on how I dealt with squat toilets when I visited India, but I’m just gonna say street food and my body not handling it well, made aiming the hardest challenge I’ve ever experienced in my life lol

It’s essentially about being aware of the dunning-Kruger effect and realizing where you are in life. And to be honest, I’m really good at bullshitting people to make them think I am better at things than I am to get ahead. But I have on the other hand had more long term success when I was conscious and honest and instilled real trust and humility with people. Knowing *and owning when you don’t know something goes a long way.

(*Added “And knowing when you don’t know something)

Border control hates this one trick

That depends on what you want to program. I am a computer scientist, I like programming and developing most things. However, my eyes roll back into the back of my skull if I am tasked with doing front end things. I find that incredibly boring.

You need to identify what kind of thing you want to develop and then whether that thing interests you enough so you can perceiver and then become successful.

Without being an mechanical engineer I would assume that there is only so much we can do to mitigate the g forces and trauma involved between a stationary car and another at 250-300km/h. We can minimize the effect though smart engineering but there will be always be risks at the extremes of accidents that will be impossible to account for