Look everyone! We have a know it all. You're gonna go so far!!!

Assistance Questions Guidelines  

If you are asking for assistance on a problem, you are required to provide: 

  • Context of the problem      

  • Research you have completed prior to requesting assistance    

-Problem you are attempting to solve with high specificity 

-Questions in violation of this rule will be removed or locked. 

Why are you showing a laugh emoji? That's a perfectly ADA compliant and accessible way to do it. 

And I don't see any reason why you wouldn't implement it yourself. Its like 8 html tags and 4 lines of css.

Is this post for real? Are you just sitting on tiktok all day?

Your account has 5 karma after 8 months. Fuck off with that bullshit.

Oh look. It's the fucking loser who steals content spamming their trash idea again. Get bent 

You are literally stealing. You admit you're stealing. It's called heister. Like wtf?

Hope you do get sued.

Yes. Google analytics is closed for the weekend.

Another day another OP already suspended. This sub is botted so hard.

Take your $20 and suck 100 dicks. You could have 2k in no time.

Then why has it been confirmed real by Ashley Biden herself? Beloved snopes had to change their fact check to coincide with the actual truth. 

Its all out there for you to educate yourself but you wont because you people are absolute hypocrites.

Dude... the world is not a monolith. There is literally no answer whatsoever to your question.

It's just current design trends. This has been going on for decades.

Open child theme, find hamburger code in header, add this to either side of it.

<?php esc_html_e('Menu', 'your-themes-textdomain'); ?>

Why do you want to submit a plugin if you don't want people to see the code? Who the fuck makes a plugin to make it HARDER for someone to understand? 

Where’s the proof that UX went downhill? 

Well... You're on reddit, aren't you? Exhibit 1.

Crazy how when a certain nominee mentioned these were the kinds of people sneaking over the border, he's was called xenophobic. 

Yet any sane person can see that open borders with Mexico isn't a good solution.

Ok mods.. Seriously. This fucking loser has NEGATIVE karma. Why the fuck are they allowed to spam shit ass medium articles? For a sub about programming... there's absolutely no QA process for who can post here.