Maybe he can give it back at the end of the ride.

Knows the Wiki

These are some of the first traditional amsterdam houses you see when you exit central station. Less than a minute walking.

That's why almost every tourist has this exact same picture.

Knows the Wiki

I am just imagining myself on shrooms, reading this advice 🤣

Like. Thanks for the idea. I hardly know how to make tea, or find the toilet from my living room, but let me go get some valerian and dextrose somewhere in a strange city I have never been before.

Not trying to ridicule you or anything, my shroom trips just always are pretty destabilizing I guess.

To be honest those flames are probably pretty satisfying to a subset of people ¯_(ツ)_/¯

This is a bit of a joke subreddit. I think you have better luck getting a proper awnser in a different subreddit.

Because they are in the middle of the highway? 🤦‍♂️

There were 2 settings I changed. I am not sure which one caused it to work but I think it was the setting "Online browsing" and I changed it to "do not restrict" in the submenu "applications and devices". The names could be slightly different as I translated them from my motherlanguage

The other setting I changed I am not 100% sure anymore which one it was but I believe it was the setting on the submenu "network configurations" which is named "communication and user generated content" which i also put on do not restrict.

I was actually in the same situation, I was able to use research data from my thesis supervisor. Her dataset was large enough for me to have a proper sample size for my research. But I still did an "a priori" estimate to justify my research.

But it could be very different in your field... I am hardly knowledgable in statistics and what I know I learned only in accordance to my research field.

However I do know G*Power can be used to calculate the minimum required sample size.

Is there no way for you to discuss this with your supervisor?

Knows the Wiki

The discussion, as started by someone else in the parent reply above me, was whether this is considered riotting or not.

I merely stated that there clearly was a lot of vandalisation of UvA property. Which makes this a riot, albeit it started as a peaceful protest. If you want to get super technical, which you probably do, we can label it a peaceful protest that ended up in a riot.

I can understand that there are different groups of people involved that have different interest and goals for this protest. What I don't understand is that the peaceful protesters do not strongly distance themselves immediately from these violent riotters each time they mingle with them. If I would be leading a peaceful protest like this, and it had already happened on numerous occasions that people in black took over my protest and started riotting, I would put the focus on peaceful protest and denounce these people in black as soon as they showed up.

Although I must give it to them that there were some people who tried to guide the protesters in their behavior and pleaded things such as not to steal items, when they tried to overtake the UvA building, which shows at least some awareness.

But as far as I know there are no strong statements from these peaceful protesters where they condemn the riotting "people in black" and distance from them. However I could be wrong and simply have missed these statements. I try to inform myself on the situation and try to find sources from different political angles but I have a lot of other responsibilities that need my attention so I cannot spend my time indefinitely searching for any available information. But from what I do find I notice that in general these peaceful protesters are doing a real poor job in communicating their own cause.

So since you are happy to share more sources with me, please provide me a source where some spokesperson of the peaceful protestors distances themselves from these destructive protestors as I havent been able to find one myself.

Shouldnt you have made an sample size estimation before you started collecting data? For my bachelor thesis I had to use something like G*Power to calculate my minimum sample size, and also had to mention this in my method section.

Maybe it works differently in your field... I am by no means a statistics expert.

You could still do this. Use G*Power or some other calculator to calculate a mimimum sample size.

Knows the Wiki

Property destruction? Have you not seen the videos? I was there today. They riotted. They destroyed the library. Destroyed coffee machines. Smashed tv screens off the walls. I could go on.

Oh and don't come with the false excuse that the police started because that is not true. Riotters started attacking ME with fire extinguishers before any police violence had happened. And even after they did the ME did not retaliate with violence but stayed calm and did nothing.

The real MVP here! I have been struggling with this for years. This finally solved the problem!

Thank you!!

Now i want to play peggle again

I cant recall a single time that I heard any jrpg fan mention the third act of a game besides DQ11....

Interesting that you run into it ever so often.

The horse you are talking about could read the involuntary cues of the bodylanguage of the trainer. He wasnt signalling him (consciously). That's the beauty of the story.

Famous research methodology story.

You have benjamin button disease.

Any time I have to spend with colleagues outside of work time sounds like a punishment to me.

Having to spend even more time with people I only pretend to like, while costing me my ever so sparse free time. No thanks. Give me option A.