Thing is, there is no proof this post contains any truth. Who’s getting played?

Generally speaking probation would confine him to the state. He would have to have permission each time he left.

OP stated they home schooled for “several years”. Interesting.

By experience you mean the shot he made up? The illegal to park is all shot the OP added to make it a story. Keyword story.

Funny to see this tonight. I separated 2 five gallon buckets earlier today. The inner one was a Kmart bucket. Asked the SO if we should save it. lol.

Well not if Carfax is recording I would think this is a benefit to the original owner during a sale or trade in. Now it will pay to have one’s vehicle serviced at a dealer until the AM catches up. No maintenance on the CF, low ball due to neglect.

No. I do love this new idea that California is mandating and now Michigan is considering. 10 over the speed limit starts an alarm in one’s vehicle. Haha. If those 2 do it all states will have it. This will be great.

Agree. If one cannot get to their destination, on time, doing the posted speed limit, that is a them problem. Not of my concern.

State I am in does not allow us to keep an owner from driving away. We can and will inform them if the vehicle is unsafe for operation but cannot stop them. Closest I have came was a truck that the frame was rotted in 2 on one side and 80% through on the other. It was towed in due to a no start condition and I refused to attempt to get it running. Owner just wanted it running to “take to the scrap”. I recommended a tow. Owner did not want to pay for a tow as it was “too expensive”. Sure, ok. Tow it out of here then.

True. One of the rookie rings paid a visit to the neighborhood I live in. One of the security cameras has a video of the suspects walking down the sidewalk and a cop cars drives past at the same time. 5 cars and countless objects from vehicle were stolen that night.

Read the article. They are using cameras, tracking devices to monitor the owners, signal jammers to disable security systems.

Those in training will come for yours. This is high level Hollywood movie type theft here.

The out of business question is key here. If they are doing this they appear very desperate to me or a salesperson has work a deal with a technician that the owner of the dealership may not be aware of. If they get caught doing this it is very possible they lose their franchise license or the government shuts them down. Let’s say it is an internal issue and the owner is unaware. When they get caught they will be fired. At that point it is likely they will force the truck owner to return vehicle to stock or lose all warranty. Service manage where I work was doing this to a truck for his father. Someone showed him a copy of the fines and penalties for such. All the equipment was removed at it was returned to stock swiftly.

I think you don’t know Michigan. It is one on only 2 states requiring state licenses. Specifically to keep from tying up the courts.

Yes they will. Seen it happen several times. They will send an inspector out to investigate.

The state of Michigan will handle this for you. I have never filed a complaint but I have dealt with them. I believe you file your complaint on the SoS website. All mechanics and repair facilities are licensed through the state for this reason. If they are not licensed properly it is illegal to operate or charge.

In Michigan auto technicians and repair facilities are licensed through the state. One would file a complaint through them.