NTA! He came up behind you and you defended yourself. You should press charges still. And your husband is kinda an AH for even saying you overreacted. I don’t understand that part.

There is a TikTok video out there and recorded a part of it. It looked like they were in their seats. It was crazy. Gave me chills watching it on my couch at 3am 😅

Wow. A cop DOING HIS JOB. The guy even gave Justin a Warning. Justin Timberlake is an idiot for driving DRUNK. Shit like this is so enragingz

Oh man, he has an amazing smile.

It’s insane for Justin’s friends to say of how they were annoyed by the media and the cop for pulling him over. Everyone is absolutely lucky he didn’t hit somebody and got someone hurt. Living in So Cal I’m absolutely tired of seeing stories of DUI drivers getting in accidents and an incident person dies. I’m also tired of seeing dumb drivers on the road. Justin is an idiot, he’s in a position of getting a driver and why didn’t one of his friends drive him?

I left a place started when they started doing on-call shifts. They are so ridiculous.

Gabby is absolutely adorable and it’s painful how good they looked together.

I’ve been hearing about this spot for a week or so. Need to check it out

Blush Nail Bar

This is one of my favorite looks

I commute to Laguna Beach from Long Beach. Hitting commuter traffic is soul sucking but if you’re driving outside of those hours it’s not too bad. I also like having the option of driving on PCH or the freeway. PCH can definitely be longer but is such a relaxing drive. It’s also nice to have more options in case one is backed up.

Blush Nail Bar

And the producers trying to throw Ariana under the bus for Tom. Who no one even cares about 🙄

Blush Nail Bar

Same. There’s not enough of Ariana and her outfits

Wow, she is really all over the place with that big mouth. I guess she’s girl bossing to anyone that will listen

Your wife was being nice by slapping. That insane lady deserved more for attacking your brother. I hope your brother gets the confidence back to holding your son

Blush Nail Bar

She still doesn’t get it. Neither do the two T’s. I couldnt even read the whole transcript because it would just give me a headache. At this point I think she’s leaning hardcore into, whatever this is for her. Cause it’s bringing attention to her. Shes playing the villain.

Blush Nail Bar

Right? Like, no apology anywhere in that discussion. She didn’t care at all about what she said, she just cared how people attacked her.

Same here. Wasn’t ghost rider always a 1 1/2 hour wait?

I LOVED the place I worked at that did last call on food 15 minutes before closing. Management was very strict on that rule and would even talk to tables if they threw a fit.