Firstly, the game just feels different to play. Garrett is way less responsive - jumping is slower and I feel like there's a lot less control when moving.

Under modern patched Thief 1 and 2, they both use literally exactly the same engine. IF there really is some difference with T2, something is probably misconfigured, like the max frame rate or vsync or whatever.

I also think the game looks a lot worse. The textures seem washed-out and muddier compared to Thief 1

In Thief 1 all the world textures use a shared 256-color palette. In Thief 2, each individual texture can use ANY 256 colors it wants (with some limitations). So T2 is literally more colorful than T1.

In Thief 2, everything seems the same shade of half-dark, so I can barely tell what I can use as cover.

Okay now we know your monitor is crap.

You were clearly being an idiot. The default for all humans is to consume media within their own cultural framework. To view media through a non-native cultural lens is a metacognitive act that requires deliberate effort. This is not a controversial claim.

AND if they're actually good at making burgers. An awful burger will always suck no matter how much "love" it was made with.

Oh hey it's today's "Post your unpopular gaming opinion" thread.

"The Habit" sounds like the name of a cult.

I thought it was just going to be a fps game

And after going all the way through the intro you still thought that?

ESDF is the Dvorak of control schemes.

That's called a cheeseburger, OP. A perfectly ordinary, unremarkable, generic cheeseburger.

What is it about Spongebob that rots people's brains?

Space exploration is about collecting data, not "being there". What you're asking is like saying "How do you think color television will impact future space exploration?" VR is just another way to view data.

Is it installed on media faster than the PS4's hard drive? Then yes it will load "better".

Thief doesn't have "chapters", WTF are you talking about.

"ole QPC"? You want a Mexican QPC?

Missing "Neither" option, poll is invalid.