Get a hold of me next time I’ll take the complaint for you. They can also speak to my saint of a supervisor. Saint cuntymcfuckoff

I’m never not going to do my job to the best of my ability. But more likely than not those people you saved are right now doing drugs, selling them to other people, or doing illegal acts to obtain money to get more drugs.

I can tell you do that a whole bunch! Especially since you serve in no capacity whatsoever! So I know you love your community and are making a difference instead of crying online!

For sure if you’re in investigations. But generally patrol is the same 10 percent of people just messing shit up and calling on each other.


Ahh the good stuff.

Edit: for those of you that can’t tell this guys a troll.

Where is all this helping people? Most of the calls I get are from criminals committing crimes against other criminals and junkies.

The only helping people is during a crash, or if you show up to a medical call.

Really really really?


Most from my experience go into business for themselves. Landscaping, roofing, tree cutting and the like. I actually know a couple that went into finance.

Because I blew both my hips out in the army infantry, and If I wasn’t constantly trying to capture evil shit heads I’d lose my sense of purpose.

Also I have a beautiful wife and soon to be baby, and god damn it feels good buying her whatever she wants.

Why is it easier to believe LeBron James is good at basketball when millions of Americans can play basketball too?

The trick is in jail they can’t leave to commit crimes. Y’all are so smart!

You should listen to your mother. You obviously have poor outlook.

Hence why I said there’s shit loads of money to be made.

Diddnt know if it was worth the high cost of living.

He’s right you’re being investigated. You know what you did. We’re watching you.

Bro how the hell are there even cops in California? I get there’s shit loads of money to be made, but with the high cost of living, taxes, and the political cluster fuck how do you guys do it?

“There is no inflation under Biden” waves Jedi hands.

Nah you’re a female you’ll get hired anywhere.

Snowball is a reference to the book Animal Farm. You definitely nailed that literacy insult. Thank you for proving why your mentality is a joke.

I mean he should be caught and hopefully he will learn his lesson and stop making bad decisions. Tagging today, next week it’s stealing a car. Does he want to be a bum his whole life?

You literally get to do what people rarely have the opportunity to do now a days. Spend all your time with the ones you love most. If I could spend the rest of my days with my family and not worry about work I would. I’m absolutely proud that my wife is about to stay home with our first child and I can support her. She’s doing the most important job, raising children that are the future of our country. She can spend time ensuring those children have morales and values to make the world a better place. There is literally nothing more important than securing the future and one’s family.

Just leave. Say sorry there’s an opportunity that’s vastly more attractive elsewhere. Sorry I couldn’t pass the offer up.