Hopefully the only thing they hear from the government is their boarding schedule.

Ditto, most in that position feel the same, high home values actually hurt those retired that want to stay in their home. I see quite a few people that are slowing being taxed out of their home at no fault or doing of their own! My home is to live in, monetary value is irrelevant to me, I have no plans to relocate.

Higgs is a disease in our province, he needs to be replaced. He is the problem with New Brunswick and he's too stupid and self indulged to realize it.

Given time the Cons will self destruct by their own lies and lack of ability to do anything cohesive. Sooner or later their lies and false bravado will fade and they may be seen for what they are, shrills. Their lack of any progress or their inability to promote a productive society will shine through, hopefully sooner...

Looking at that myself, anything to get away from google anything!

Higgs is a self righteous narcissist and hopefully soon out of any position of importance.

What can you expect from a Con, low end education, perfect for the Conservative party.

Very nice. Love to paint mine that color!

Higgs has to go, The Conservative party has changed across Canada, both provincial and federal. They now live up to their moniker, of "CONS" to the very core of the word! Congratulations Andrea!

I switched from a fully homed automation system a few years ago to Google Home, and it has become a royal pain. The novelty wore off pretty quick as Google problems creeped in. Google Home has gone down hill big time in he last year! I simply want a system for home automation that can control my devices, I don't need some AI to talk to! just control my devices. Lately many of my routines that worked fine a few weeks ago, now either don't work at all or the significant time delay is frustrating. Your comment of "a clunky collection of half-baked services cobbled together with duck tape and bubblegum" is right on the button!!!

If they actually spent time and money on postal delivery, instead of postal management they might actually be worth the effort and value of days gone by.

Didn't push boundaries!, he blew right past them! He is unacceptable for ANY position of leadership or control if he feels comfortable vomiting this garbage. Certainly some repercussions should be made and he should be held to account for his ignorance and stupidity. But it is the Cons way!

She needs help. I've heard a lot of things about radio in my career, this isn't with most ridiculous but its' close.

Good Luck, wish you all the best in your endeavors!

That's always been Reddit! Getting harder and harder to find any subreddits with any value anymore since the migration....

Higg's is too busy buying used overpriced Telsa's to worry about the poor public servants... /s

In my area its world of difference to what Bell can even dream of doing here. Pretty rural area in SW NB. Closest traffic light is about a 45 minute drive. Doing a speedtest here (just now) I get 1009 Mbits/S Download and 38.83 Mbit/s Upload. And its been solid as a rock for months now.

Nice project car. Good luck. Have fun.

I would rebuild with the following: 1. All lighting on their own circuit! 2. Every rooms outlets on their own breakers. 3. More open concept for better air flow and distribution. 4. Duct work for air circulation and potential passive solar heating. 5. Garage interior outlets at both lower and higher heights for easier access.

Just off the top of my head. Good luck.

30+ years, retired last year, spent 2+ years during covid working from home, never got asked till they started planning return to office.