NP man. I don't spend a lot of time here because I'm usually grinding, dealing with kids, or writing build guides. I have 8 100s for the season and 2 of them are sorcs. If you need any help or just want someone to stomp through some shit with you add me. Zod #1229 I have a stash tab full of sorc gear you can use to temper the right stats to try and fix your build. Better to give it to you than vendor it at the end of the season.


The majority of owners are Chinese and they're beholden to (Read: members of) the CCP. The fact a few US investors bought in is meaningless when it comes to the communist party feeding you propaganda. Not only is less than 50% owned by Americans (IDK where you found this lie) but when it comes to Chinese ownership if the CCP owns even 0.00000001% they can use and abuse that slice to come in and monitor anything they like.

You obviously have no f*cking clue how the CCP propaganda machine operates. They'll transfer ownership to "Americans" that are just Chinese operatives with a Visa so they can say "Americans own TikTard!"

It's laughable that I have to do zero effort to get anyone to accept that the US has CIA operatives in every country but they magically think other countries don't do the same?

I liked my Blizz/spike build but like my minion necro I hated feeling like I just wasn't DOING anything. So I went back to ball lightning. I just have more fun being in the middle of the shiz.


Impossible to really tell without a more detailed view of your skills/build/gear/paragon/playstyle. Incinerate won't win any awards but can be a viable build fully capable of making it to pit 60-70 for even a casual player.

I don't see any glaring red flags but your attack power is fairly low so I hope that's because a lot of your stats are aimed at specialty "+XXX dmg%". Resistances should be easy to cap out at 70% being a sorc and if they're not you need to get on that stat because they will be a HUGE contributor to "I don't know what happened, I just died so fast!"

Ditch the skulls for resistance gems in your jewelry. Not only are the 2 you have equipped doing nothing as you're already over the cap without them, but skulls give way too little armor and you can make up for 3 skulls with a single +armor item affix or temper, but a single resistance gem will be fairly equal to a resistance affix. If you have resistance on your gear use those gem slots to be able to roll off the resistances on gear to help survival or damage.

The uniques aren't terrible but you're sacrificing a notable chunk of damage and resource gen by losing ring tempers and aspects. Swap in a couple legendaries by gambling obols and see how different it feels. (Tempering really has neutered most uniques in S4. Save them for when they're build-defining like Tempest Roar)

When it comes to damage it depends on if you're relying on Incinerate to do the killing or the burning to do it. If you're relying on Incinerate you should be statting and tempering +damage which your AP tells me you're not. If you're relying on the DOT your burning damage is way low. Sticking to close or distant tempers leaves a hole where you're weak unless you excel at positioning and making sure you're always at your maximum output. If they're getting to you and pounding on you that means you're not killing them fast enough at distance but not melting them at close range either. Pick one or the other and adjust your playstyle, or just go all out +damage on everything. (Close is preferred to distant for incinerate as you can get right up on a boss and hit with all 3 beams)

I could be entirely wrong but I get the impression you were trying to add a little of everything and it ended up leaving you exceling at nothing. Here's a somewhat well-rounded incinerate/burning build you can go through to see what the author was aiming for with the skills, gearing, and paragon: It's hardly perfect and I'd def change some aspects, but since we can't see your build in detail maybe this will give you a direction you can try to move towards.

Good luck!

I know very few people that even liked, let alone preferred WD, but it was definitely one of the "flavor" classes that felt so violently different from others that it was always interesting to spin up every season, even if it wasn't preferred to be your "main".

Diablo 4 definitely lacks that "flavor" class but the Amazonian Jaguar "spirit" whatever we'll get with the xpack sounds like it will fill that role. What I find disappointing is we're only getting ONE new class when we only have 5 currently. It really concerns me they're saving big stuff like that for multiple PAID expansions.

You mean you don't like gambling with your hard earned rare drop? Don't y'all have phones?! /s

Yeah, it's crushing when you get that OMG 3GA and repeatedly roll the worst possible tempers on it.

That's literally what I'm doing. He pushes so much farther than all 4 other classes.

Yeah, I didn't know about this, I just wanted to try something different with the Barb alt this season and tried bash/thorns. Right away I though "damn this guy feels strong. Meh, it probably tapers off after 100". I ended up using him the most after 100 to push the pit then decided to roll back to my other 100s just to realize all 4 other classes are easily 2-3 tiers behind barb.

Yeah, who seriously goes around telling everyone they're trans when it has absolutely nothing to do with the current situation? If you were sitting around the campfire at night reminiscing about relationships that's one thing, but the way it gets shoved in during laughably inappropriate situations is mind boggling.

If you just finished barely scraping by a life or death situation and a complete stranger says "I know exactly the struggle you're going through. Yesterday someone misgendered me." Are you going to feel their pain or want to stab them in the fucking eye with a rusty spoon for being so completely self centered and disconnected from reality? That's not normal conversation for 2 strangers sitting on a bus bench and laughably stupid for 2 strangers dealing with a life and death situation.

It has nothing to do with gay or straight and everything to do with how wholly inappropriate the context is. If you were trying to save your family from your house burning down and in the middle of it the firefighter says "I sure can't wait to get home to my wife and kids after putting out your fire!" are you going to think "Aww, what a loving husband" or are you going to think "WTF is wrong with this nut job? Just put out the fucking fire without telling me all about your personal life that has nothing to do with the situation."

It's just so obviously forced into the story that it ends up ripping you out of any semblance of immersion.

As a long time Icy Veins user since my WoW days I would unequivocally go for Maxroll on the superior page layout alone. Icy veins gives you a looser guidance and points you in a general direction. Maxroll says if you want to melt faces you do exactly THIS to min/max your output. They clearly label which builds are best for leveling, bossing, speed runs, and nightmare dungeon/Pit pushing.

If you're looking through build guides in the first place I'm going to assume you're looking for the latter because you don't want to spend all weekend doing math and just want to play a game without looking like an idiot.

But if you remove personal trade I can't give my buddy that perfect item I found for him. Although I absolutely agree that if they're going to allow trading they badly need to just reintroduce an auction house. This would create a massive flood of supply and make prices calm TF down.

If they're going to allow people to sell items through offline markets they just need to bring back the auction house from D3. Having the market flooded by items would turn it into a buyers market real fast and solve a lot of the Chinese gold farming issue. I've had quite a few drops that I knew would be perfect BiS items for another class/build so I just bank them in case I want them in the future because I'm not wasting my time to sell it offline.

D3's auction house was great, it was the fact they linked real money to it that destroyed it. Anytime players are going OFFLINE to trade items that's a huge red flag that your game is missing a much needed feature.

I've been feeling the same way. I always roll at least one druid but when you play multiple classes druid always feels a little underwhelming. I tried a wind shear build this season and honestly it's the most fun I've ever had on druid.

Thanks for the reminder to check the shop. I haven't for the last 2 days.

I really think they've upped the drop rate notably. I've never seen an uber or even know someone that's had one drop, and I got a shako a couple days ago. Playing last night I saw another barb by me while waiting for a world boss spawn and randomly inspected them to see a Shako there too. WTF? Either they've massively increased drop rates or a lot of people have been really lucky farming up ubers to craft one.

I have the worst luck in the world and couldn't get a regular unique from target farming with 50 runs. Maybe the RNG gods were saving up my luck for that one uber drop and now I owe a massive debt.


Nice GAs and grats!

I came this close >< to vendoring mine because it's icon looks like a yellow quality. Dropped from lvl 40 pit run. After my little personal celebration I realized I was on a blight/minion necro. We don't cast skills. 🤣 Ended up making a bash/thorns barb just for the Shako and while it's a little underwhelming when you have to give up tempering now, it's really nice to have skill points freed up to tinker around with your build.

At the end of this season I might finally have a reason to care about eternal play.

Yeah I got my TR really early with my druid this season. The ONE time I decide to finally try out a thorns build that chest won't drop. :P

Target unique farming still sucks.Opinions & Discussions

After several seasons of struggling to find a Tempest Roar I was so happy to see the introduction of the uber bosses for target farming needed uniques, but the drop rates just seem massively out of whack. I'm on my 4th toon this season and wanted to do a thorns barb to go with a Shako that dropped for me. Obviously for a thorns build you need Razorplate, right? Well, I haven't had to farm Zir with my 1st 3 100s so I had a grip of blood in the stash. Should be easy enough.

How wrong I was.

50ish runs and around 450 blood later Razorplate still hasn't dropped, not even a badly rolled one, but holy fuck Blizzard really wants me to have the butcher's cleaver.

Just because I love stats: Of the ten possible uniques for barb 50 runs looked something like this cause I banked them:

5 Ramaladni's

3 Harrogath

2 Gohr's

4 Overkill

19 Butcher's

10 Arreat's

1 Penitant

0 Razorplate

1 Temerity

1 Yen's

Around 7 with no unique drop. So I can get a Harlequin Crest from just running a lvl 40 pit but I can't get a basic regular unique target farming the only boss that has it in it's loot table? 🤣 Sucks that Zir is the only boss that has it and I'm out of bloods so i guess I'll have to shelve this character once it hits 100.

So I got this this morning and I wasn't even farming the uber bosses. It was just in a lvl 40 pit run. I knew they upped the drop rate but still considered it unobtanium because I haven't seen a single uber and this is obviously the most coveted. After my personal little silent celebration so I didn't wake my wife up I equipped it to realize I'm using a minion necro. We don't cast skills... If ever there was a build this is useless for it's a minion necro and I'm far better off with the stats of a regular 2GA tempered helm.

So should I give this to my ball lightning sorc or wind shear drood that I've also taken to 100 this season? Which one would benefit the most?

Holy hell, can you simp for a company any harder? Reviews are hitting left and right saying it's disappointing at best. You like it. Good for you. But that just means you have really low standards.

Probably because it's still relatively early in the game and your not as immersed in the characters to care. I couldn't remember myself but I knew they mentioned it and remembering thinking it was stupid.

Crooked ol' Google at it again!Discussion

So recently I noticed I was losing functionality in YouTube when using Brave browser. Specifically if I click on my notifications I can only click on recommendations, but I can't interact with comments or the notification window goes dark. Then when I'm in the shorts I can comment, but I can't reply whatsoever like every reply button is disabled, and many times when I CAN reply when I hit enter my message disappears but it refuses to post.

With the never ending issues of YT constantly trying to force ads through Brave I assumed it was simply another YT update that I have to wait for Brave to overcome so I swapped over to Edge to find all the exact same issues. F**king Google. Now I know it's not my browser.

So I swap to Chrome that I almost never use due to it's draconian data collection and ludicrous memory usage that makes Internet Explorer look svelte and Surprise! Surprise! Chrome works perfectly fine.

Screw you Google. Stop trying to force us to use Chrome because it's not gonna happen. Chrome has become far worse and more bloated than IE ever was. Even now with all 4 browsers running Brave with 4 tabs is at 1.7gb, Edge with 2 is at .7gb, Firefox with 2 is at 1gb, while Chrome with only YT open is at 2gb. THIS is why people hate Chrome, even if they don't care about privacy.

Looks like I'm switching back to Firefox and hopefully I don't run into the same issues as it seems to be working for now.

WMR isn't being "discontinued" necessarily, it will only stop receiving updates. And let's be honest, we haven't seen a meaningful update in over 2 years outside of some minor bug fixes. If your headset runs fine today it will most likely run fine in the future using the same software.

It sad that MS didn't stay behind WMR because I loved the mentality of being open to any manufacturer without being locked to Metaface's walled garden and hardware, exactly the reason I refuse to touch iCrap.