!!I dont know for sure, this is just a guess!!

based on the fact that you already broke the rule your account will probably remain flagged indefinitely. The pop-up may stop showing up after a couple days or maybe weeks but most likely in the back end your account will remain flagged

Buying the unicorn wasn't the issue. If I saw a unicorn like that for 50 gems in a shop I would probably buy it too. What makes them have the scummy behavior is being told the situation and trying to extort the owner for sapphs or other items.

Being a good person isn't hard, it was 50 gems, It's not like they bought it for 5K and the owner wanted it back for free. The owner was even willing to give up a lot of worth to have it back. The only reason they weren't completely extorted is because they posted it here and people called out the guy who bought it. trying to extort someone in a vulnerable position is absolutely scummy behavior.

And the game being a children's game doesn't matter in this context, the OP still valued the game asset (the uni) so It being for children has no merit here :/

It sounds like you're just trying to cope for the guy, L take my dude.


"Im getting dms saying im a bad person" yea no sh*t Sherlock, you are a bad person.

I get they thought they got a deal of a lifetime, but once the situation was explained, they should have immediately given it back. Trying to extort the OP for any amount let alone 100k is absolutely the scum of the earth behavior. Shame on the, shame on the!

Tbh, if the subreddit didn't have strict call out rules i would have left their username uncensored so people could block them, They tried to get away with it this time, wouldn't be surprised if this wasn't a one off thing.

So happy op got there Uni back safe and sound

What did i just read??? Is this person seriously triggered by the fact a gaming company is reusing their own assets?? Bruh- That's how 90% of the gaming industry works. That's like the most basic well known fact about gaming, especially mobile based games.

It's just art dude, recoloring the assets to fit with different artworks for the game like the pictures in the jamaa journal, instagram posts, etc.

Take a chill pill my dude

I can't email them about another person's account issues. They wont say anything other then " we cant share account information with third parties please have the account holder contact us"

Plz email them yourself :)

Hi there!

Ty for answering the questions.

I can see that you want a safe space for adults that are in the community, however, not having a reliable way to verify age is only going to cause the exact same issue as the game itself has.

The 18+ server is already full of minors, people are reporting them constantly ( even posting on here to rant about it ). But it makes since, this game has a large player base of 13-17ish, And we all know teens wanna curse and shout because they think its cool :/

Its nice to have an adult server so people can talk with less restrictions, but it just breeds issues if not moderated and age gated property.

I suggest you wait until discord has a way to SAFELY AND SECURELY age verify before starting an 18+ server for PT. Not saying you cant make a private one for you and friends you trust, but a public one is bound to create a breeding ground for accidents and P3d0 issues.

First off- It's incredibly suspicious that you called out to people in tropy's server, if you were in tropy's server I believe you know why.

now you're trying to make a 18 plus discord server yourself?? You can't blame me for thinking that's a red flag-

Secondly i have questions

1 - why is the server 18+ ? Is that because you WANT adult content in the server, or are you just labeling it 18 plus as a precautionary IN CASE adult content is posted?

1.5 - how do you plan to verify the ages of people entering your server? Age verification is extremely tricky on discord.

2 - how do you plan to keep minors out of the server/address it if a minor is found in the server?

3 - how do u plan to advertise your server? Or are u going to leave it up to members to invite others/friends?

Those are my main questions, depending on your answers i might have more.

18+ servers in this community have never gone over well since a vast majority of players are 13-17 and tend to lie about their age in order to access the 18+ server.

Side note: I don't know what's going on right now but there seems to be a rise and people trying to make 18 plus servers for this community. There is a very good reason why there isn't already some publicly available. THIS GAME IS HAS A LARGE MINOR PLAYER BASE. Not to mention a good majority of that minor player base tends to lie about their age in order to access the adult servers. I don't know what people are thinking rn, its stupid. Especially after the whole tropy incident, which the OP here admits to being in the server at the very least-

I have some questions

1 - why is the server 18+ ? Is that because you WANT adult content in the server, or are you just labeling it 18 plus as a precautionary IN CASE adult content is posted?

1.5 - how do you plan to verify the ages of people entering your server? Age verification is extremely tricky on discord.

2 - how do you plan to keep minors out of the server/address it if a minor is found in the server?

3 - how do u plan to advertise your server? Or are u going to leave it up to members to invite others/friends?

Those are my main questions, depending on your answers i might have more.

18+ servers in this community have never gone over well since a vast majority of players are 13-17 and tend to lie about their age in order to access the 18+ server.

having multiple pt accounts is against the rules

it doesnt matter if you use a whole new patreon account for it, its still against the rules.

you will be putting yourself at risk for getting those accounts merged together and suspended, possibly banned.

It's the well with the roof. The janky layering system allows people to hide the well portion behind walls and some larger objects to create the illusion of a roof.

Am i the only one that just wants what seems to be the bundle set that comes with them?? Those wings look sooooo pretty!!

Thanks for the tip caption obvious.

Obviously that is not the official channel.

my question is why the channels @ is showing up as the channel name on the home page instead of the actual name of the channel.

I have that item, its not in the color you want but if you would like to trd for it so u can color swap lmk! :)

I haven't seen many hitler skins personally as well. However the most targeted communities from what i have see are: The SYS community, the TD/TT community, dream smp community, and some other cosplay communities that i cant remember the names of ( manly those with big/recent controversies, or with outwardly LGBTQ+ people )

Trolls love to target the "weaker minded" and younger seeming people as they are the most likely to get a reaction from.

My advice to anyone that's dealing with trolls:

Plz use the hide button. No not for 24 hours, do it permanently. A troll is not gonna stop being a troll overnight. Don't cause yourself stress for no reason. Like op shows you have PLENTY of space to hide as many people as you need to. It's also not gonna get you in trouble, don't listen to those people saying that you will get in trouble for using the hide button too often.

You would be surprised, hundreds of "bot"/troll accounts get banned daily its insane. People love to make accounts in mass just to go online and say some rlly wacky shit to get attention or to see how fast they can be banned because that's cool I guess??

Trolls are a daily occurrence in this game so blocking at least one person a day for that reason is actually pretty good, i would personally expect more, especially when it comes to the game's growing popularity on TikTok recently.


I feel this on a spiritual level.

Forget play time amount, the biggest flex of them all is how many people harass you to the point you block them. Get those numbers up people /Joke /sarcasm

It means they want you to be in their party ( specifically the party leader ) So they can use your supporter benefit on the island to build whatever map they're building. If a supporter is a party leader everyone in the party gets the supporters benefit of more placed items space.

It's also extremely common in the English servers and in the Russian servers.


Whats with the text on the mines?? "Engaging a group of kids to do demon oc's" what??? What do you mean by that? Are they harassing other people? Are they showing others how to make cosplays?? Your words here are weird.

You seem to be upset or angry with those people. If so, a fandom map is not the place to vent that. If you're trying to make an accurate map, just put the fandom logos there and move on. If you're just making the map for yourself then what was the point of posting it to reddit at all, especially with that text there???

I suggest removing the text if you're making this for public use/viewing.

Also- Those "demons" are most likely the helluva boss / hazbin hotel fandom.


This ^ such a good comment!! However i would like to add a bit to it.

(Coming from a 23yo)

I personally dislike sexual topics and obsessive cursing, so playing on the 18+ server was never rlly an option for me. Yes IK i can hide those doing sexual things and use the custom chat filter tool, but like, Have you been on that server? practically everyone is doing something sexual if not cursing every other word. I wouldn't be able to hold very many if any conversations at all. Its very frustrating, even as an adult.

I am stuck on the safe server not interacting baley at all do to the issues you listed. I've only managed to make a couple of friends because I was able to confirm their age, even then i am still one of the older people in that group. It sucks because that game is meant for you to socialize and make friends based on common interests but I'm stuck worrying whether or not I'm interacting with a literal child, or just an adult with bad grammar ( me fr lmao )

Having a 13+ server would be so helpful. That way people like OP can curse some and people like myself can have a place that isn't full of obscene stuff all the time.

I hope they add a in between server soon, but they are very short staffed as is so it's probably going to be a while before they're able to add something like that. They also probably want to rehaul their entire moderation system as well, we all know how frustrating it can be right now.


There is no way to contact the devs directly unfortunately, emailing is the only way to appeal a ban. I would reply to your initial report with more evidence. Is the Instagram linked to her account? That would be helpful.

Sorry u got banned for a "false report" , unfortunately it's a common occurrence especially when trying to report players who are doing stuff off platform.

Going forward the best thing to do if something like that happens again is to just block the person on pt and whatever social media you were communicating on.

There is an event going on rn for the Vancouver mlp con. Its not on the main pony town server, its on a separate site.

Heres the link. All you do is make an account just like you did for normal pony town.


Also there should be a "visit current event" banner on the home page of the normal pony town website, you can click to go to it as well.

Smaller custom servers like FT rarely get talked about here. My advice is to see if there's a discord server or maybe another subreddit specifically for FT. There might also be a guide somewhere online so doing some googling wouldn't hurt.

I wish ya luck