
Since you have already been tripped up by the BSG viewing order, allow me to give you a quick cheat sheet:

Miniseries first.
Razor after S02E17.
The Resistance after Season 2.
The Face of the Enemy after S04E11.
The Plan after S04E15.
Several extended versions: S02E10, Razor, S03E09, S04E12, S04E18, Season 4 Finale.

Unfortunately you won't be able to find many of these on Amazon.

A "character" is not just their lines.

Look at how Robert Downey Jr. made a third-rate superhero into a iconic character by his acting - mannerisms, delivery, and personality.

The miniseries is very faithful to the dialogue of each character, but most of the actors were mediocre to terrible. Watching cardboard cut-outs delivery lines passionlessly or awkwardly or campily does not qualify as "embodying" a character to me.

Haha you think there is a circuit breaker involved here...

I am sure there are ultra-nationalists who care very much about Japan's Imperial past, just as there are crazy conservatives in every country.

As someone who has spent a lot of time in Japan, though, I'd say most people just don't give a shit about that other than the normal vague sense of national pride that most people in most countries have.

The problem, as in most countries, is that the people that care most about certain issues are the most motivated to seek power and yet the ones you would least want to have that power. Then you end up with small groups of special interests dictating government policy and also using their platform to tell the mostly apathetic masses what to think.

Again, I don't think whaling is a primary concern for most Japanese voters, but this doesn't give you the right to condemn them wholesale as "disgusting". In basically every country voters predominantly vote for the same mundane things: stability and prosperity. Most voters don't care too much about researching every single one of thousands of issues.

If it is a one-party corporate state as you claim, then that is even less reason to call the entire country (including its people) "disgusting", as opposed to its leadership and government. If the people only have an illusion of electoral choice, then you can't blame them even a little for who they elect.

You seem to continually be interpreting my comments as a defense of the government, when I have specifically - since the first comment broadly called an entire country "disgusting" because the government supports whaling - been defending the people.

Voting for LDP is not nearly "unanimous". Japan has a parliamentary system and LDP just happens to be one of the largest parties that consistently wins, but they have frequently had to rule through coalitions, and have sometimes lost outright.

Besides, even the LDP cannot fit neatly into an ideological box. Some of their stances are ultra-right, and ultra-nationalist, but they are also a "big tent", "catch-all" party that purposely tries to hoover up as many voters as possible by taking on popular positions on a wide range of issues that woild probably be seen as contradictory in other governments.

Again, most Japanese voters - as most voters around the world do - are voting for a few specific things that personally affect them the most. For Japanese, these would be things like economic and social stability. When you have a conservative party in a conservative country that has mostly offered that for decades, you can't necessarily blame the people for every single policy, of thousands, that the government maintains.

Yes it's a bad thing. All governments are imperfect at best, evil at worst.

Please refer to the original comment I was responding to which called the entirety of Japan "a disgusting country" because of the actions of its government on a single, narrow special-interest issue.

The point is that we if we applied a similar metric to every country in the world, every country would be "a disgusting country".

At least limit your critcism to the government and not the country as a whole.

He also helps my mom find her missing keys all the time, and they're always in the last place she looked.

But if she ever gets cancer - God forbid - I guess she only has a 50/50 chance of doing a miracle for her.

I guess some miracles are harder to perform than others, even for an all-powerful god.

That's basically what I said? Hollywood doesn't consistently differentiate between the terms. It's more of a marketing slogan. Dozens of "based on a true story" Productions have been wildly untrue.

It could be missing barcodes because it is part of a larger set and fits inside a larger box that does have a barcode?

And yet Hollywood has used "based on" as a synonym for "loosely inspired by" true events for ages...

You replied in the wrong place.

I liked the beginning "slow burn", "character study" first half of Caprica but most people who liked the show seem to like the second half the best where, in my opinion, it completely goes off the rails plot wise, and the science and technology mumbo-jumbo make no logical sense to me.


Since you are already a bit lost with BSG viewing order, allow me to give you a little cheat sheet:

Miniseries first.
Razor after S02E17.
The Resistsnce after Season 2.
The Face of the Enemy after S04E11.
The Plan after S04E15.

Episodes with extended versions: S02E10, S03E09, S04E12, S04E18, Season 4 Finale.

You might not be able to find any of this on Amazon.


That's not literally the function of a pilot.

A pilot is generally a test-run of a show being conceptualized or developed. It is generally used to sell approval for the financing for the actual show.

In other words, a pilot generally has an internal purpose. It's meant to generate corporate reaction, not to gauge public reactions. If the production is good enough and consistent enough with the actual production run, then a pilot episode can sometimes end up as a publicly-seen production.

As an example, the pilot episode of Game of Thrones had completely different actors, and was considered pretty mediocre. It was never released to the public, but it was good enough for the producers to be able to get funding to actually shoot the first season, wherein they reshot the first episode with the final cast of actors.


Blood and Chrome is not worth it. Nor is Caprica.

I'm wondering if you managed to consume all the content from the actual show:

The Miniseries before Season 1.
Razor after S02E17.
The Resistance after Season 2.
The Face of the Enemy after S04E11.
The Plan after S04E15.

Extended versions of episodes: S02E10, S03E09, S04E12, S04E18, S04 Finale.

None of those except Razor are really great, but they all enrich the overall narrative of the show.