I want a show that's just Cheers but set in a random NC dive bar

You think this is bad, check out what Crysis 2 looked like when you hacked in third person camera lmao https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FbOxieWCmDY

Pretty much all they do is force me to switch targets / priorities, and I'm pretty sure that's all they're INTENDED to do - give you an extra little twist on a fight that forces you to either change your gameplan and positioning on the fly or just cope with whatever bullshit they fling your way. There's a good chance that they behaved how you said in a pre-release build and the devs didn't love how it impacted the gameplay.

Tbh my current playthrough is full-on Krogan brute force and I'm somehow having more fun pulling off stealth. You can accomplish some major bullshit with recon grenades and a Sandy lol

I'm imagining that scene in The Incredibles where the robot tries to rip Mr. Incredible in half and fixes his back pain

god i wish that were me

Professional Caffeine Addict

So what we need to do, yeah, is anyone who refers to other drivers as NPCs? Those arrogant bastards are the problem. Bully them relentlessly, because they're the pricks weaving through traffic, blasting through crosswalks, and acting like they're the main character of a GTA title.

Maelstrom's chrome is the equivalent of a tuner car with a stupidly low ride height and excessive wheel camber. Definitely makes for a strong impression, some people dig it for some reason, but it's not actually good for driving.

Imagine if this setting had the profanity tickets from Demolition Man, just constantly going off in the background

Yeah this is the kinda thing that works in TTRPGs and not in high-budget video games. Might as well just release three different smaller standalone stories at that point.

Bring back literally any working implant with the documentation on how to avoid glial tissue buildup or the issues Neuralink is having with the hardware getting forcibly detached from any non-MS brain, you'll be an instant billionaire. I cannot overstate how seemingly insurmountable those issues are with modern prosthetics, the human body really, really doesn't like to play ball with any foreign material that's more complicated than a metal knee.

It'd be real easy, too. These things aren't trade secrets at all in the world of Cyberpunk, and Ripperdocs, like most passionate and highly-specialized professionals I've met, would likely jump at the chance to talk shop with someone who shows genuine interest in the thing they've spent their whole life learning how to do. Seriously, people absolutely love talking about the thing they're best at, I learned so much about how civil court actually works just handling catering at a law office and letting people infodump on me.

Fuckers basically induced locked-in syndrome and left her to rot. My first playthrough I instantly went from being reservedly pissed at Ev for the half-baked heist to wanting to burn everything to the ground.

I also maybe possibly dumped about fifty rounds and a pair of grenades into Woodman's corpse as Judy stood there in stunned silence.

I cackled the first time that happened. The minutes leading up to that I was slack-jawed in awe over how dumb their "be on the AI's good side" plan was, as if the Lovecraftian cyber-horrors beyond the veil see them as anything more than motes of dust, and watching them get splattered by the forces they were trying to court like so many bugs on a windshield was just... *chef's kiss*

Yeah the dude you replied to kinda walked right into this one lol

Naaah the people I detonate into chunks with Contagion -> Overheat are just sleeping

Hitting on Panam as FemV is both hilariously awkward and extremely explicit about the fact that our favorite nomadic hothead does not, in fact, swing that way.

Judy, too. Girl’s gotta be at least five years older than the wiki states, elsewise she was playing hockey and having crushes at age four.

Johnny’s a narcissist and a psychopath, but he’s got really good reasons for being the way that he is. If you tune out the more extreme things he says (“this city deserves another nuke”), dude makes a depressing amount of sense.

I do appreciate that he’s not always correct when it comes to mid-quest commentary. Makes him feel like a character and not some writer’s axe-to-grind which is a very easy trap to fall into.

Cats are obligate carnivores and rodents, birds, etc are their natural prey. Also, even ignoring predation, cat claws are absolutely loaded with bacteria and even a superficial scratch from playing can be a death sentence for small animals like rats, guinea pigs, ferrets, etc.

I love cats but they’re killing machines and should absolutely not share a space with small prey animals.

In a busy coffee shop it makes life a billion times easier. Few things derail the espresso stations workflow quite like a customer grabbing the wrong drink and having to remake something.

Never worked for SBux, but I do have experience working in a high volume specialty coffee bar in a major city.

Energy, absolutely, but even if we as a species move past petrochemicals that chunk of the world will still be important just because of how much international trade relies on the Red Sea. There's a reason the Houthis wound up on the public enemies list of basically anyone who isn't in Iran's corner.

I just work here, man

A malfunctioning traffic light is, legally, a stop sign. Just in case anyone in here doesn't know that because holy SHIT is that an annoying gap in people's driving knowledge.