I'm not the OP lol, just adding into the conversation

E pellicis is very famous. They don't need sensible prices as they're over subscribed just for the tourism effect.

Ehh it is a spectrum based on the eggs (/yolks) used. Some yolks are pale whereas some yolks are deep dark orange. Some of the best eggs have deeeeeply coloured yolks!

:United_Kingdom: Balcony Lover

It's honestly hilarious. You guys saw their new Corner strategy in the Switzerland game? Where they passed backwards from the corner to their back line, which then immediately went back to Pickford. From a fucking corner.

Our mere mortal brains can't comprehend Southgateball.

:England: England

nah it was a poor attempt at a joke by them

:England: England


It's playing like England are on the back foot and fighting for their life

I don't think it's coming home lads

Teens already had a stronger impression about how the world worked before then than children did, and they probably had more context to understand...

I have distinct memories of thinking "what's the big deal" and not understanding the severity of 9/11 because I had naively assumed good guys and bad guys were always fighting. All the cartoons and comics and "grown up" films I'd been able to sneak watch were filled with villains pulling off dastardly schemes against the good guys, and the good guys bouncing back! I figured it was par for the course 😭

Kids are dumb man

:England: England

The VAR team / system will have flagged the offside pass to the striker who kicked that ball intercepted by a handball. Anything after the offside wouldn't have been counted and would have been backtracked had a goal been scored.

They just cut out the middle man and didn't bother playing out the PK only to immediately retract it because of the handball.

Ditto. More like 6-7 units 5 times a week but yeah.

Gotta cut that shit out man it's not affecting my ability to live a normal life but it ain't good at all.

Both things are true. Reddit also does have an anti-alcohol undercurrent, as well as 20% of all people in the UK not drinking.

Ref gotta start handing out yellows before this turns into UFC

Oh it's gonna be one of those games

We eatin good tonight

..That's my point. Labour aren't going to be mass migration despite what Daily Mail readers might think, but the Tories are mass migration because capitalists want cheap labour and suppressed wages.

You are aware that Brown selling the gold is lauded as the world-leading move that made the UK the fastest recovering nation from the GFC? The move that prompted most other western nations to follow suit and bounce back?

Population started rising but immigration was far lower then than under the Tories.

Why do you reckon 5 years of destruction ahead?

The UK under Blair & Brown was one the brightest periods in UK history. We're all grown up enough now to have learned the UK gov't 1997-2007 had little cause of the financial crisis (caused by deregulation from under Reagan and Thatcher!). However the global consensus is that the UK's recovery strategy by Brown lead the world on how to recover the quickest from the disaster.

Better economy, much better wages, more jobs, affordable houses for families, an NHS that worked (short waiting times, plenty of doctors), lower crime, lower immigration.

How people have been mislead by the Daily Mail to forget all of the above is pretty hilarious

The Daily Mail has successfully convinced a large amount of the population to never, ever, support Labour.

Despite the people in the modern Labour party seeming to be capable and scandal free (remains to be seen though really), and the fact that Labour's manifesto actually did hit many of the points talked about by Reform voters etc, folks rejected Labour simply because they've been taught to hate Labour. You know how many old bats started whining online about the fucking 1970s lmao?

Labour still have an image of being the pro immigration hippie-types, but I don't see it talked about often that Labour's manifesto actually seemed pretty good about cutting immigration. Their headlines were about reducing migration, building a new Border Patrol force, and stopping small boats.

Manifesto headlines don't mean policy, but their messaging on immigration wasn't too different from what Reform want to be honest. But I don't think their manifesto made it through to most of the population (even many Lab voters!).

Labour got the same number of votes as last time so essentially the same number who rejected anti-immigration talk last time have also rejected it again.

I'm not sure about that. Labour's manifesto this time talked about curtailing immigration and stopping small boats. Labour are already making the necessary shifts.

Suella launching her leadership campaign lmao

That was hilarious

hahah fuck me I didn't even see it was your own comment 💀

u/sheetsofsaltywood you forgot to comment "1776D chess" under this one