:Glyph: Game Master

Kinda neat: If you're more invested in the accurace of the strikes than their individual damage, Mountain Stance's usual downside comes in kind of handy for this.

As you leave the ground, Mountain Stance should automatically end and you become able to use regular, agile Fist attacks again! :D

:Glyph: Game Master

IIRC it gives light and medium, unless you already have both in which case it gives heavy.

I only win as :ArborecV: Arborec

Yeah, I've been meaning to try that even better if you can get the table to compensate you for it!

I only win as :ArborecV: Arborec

I don't know how much this still holds true in PoK, but in the base game, my impression was that JN turned the game into a sort of prisoner's dilemma:

The best the table can do is to collectively refuse to buy Research Agreements. The problem is that that requires EVERYONE to commit to it; and even if everybody does so at first, sooner or later people will feel behind and like they have nothing to lose from giving money to JN for a boost...

Raum Köln

Gut im Schauspielen, oder im Schauspielen Schauspielen?

:Glyph: Game Master

I'm really surprised Paizo did not made that line clearer in the remaster. It has proven to confuse players time and time again.

:Glyph: Game Master

To clear some things up:

  • There is no "auto-crit" on a natural 20. What a nat20 does is increase the degree of success by 1 step from what it would normally be. (source)
  • The same is true in reverse for natural 1s
  • Your misconception might come from reading this rule, but note that it says "succeed with a natural 20" (emphasis mine)

For what it's worth, it's the first time in a decade that I'm thinking about playing something else than Limited, other than buying a single Commander Pre-Con.

You seem to have a point.

:Glyph: Game Master

I'm not sure what you are arguing in favor of?

Would you prefer rogues etc be unable to take the feat at 2? Or should all those classes have a special class feature that lets them take level-3 Expert skill feats at level 2?

"Hive Fleet Wyrm" for a color scheme that's loosely based on the game Hollow Knight

:Glyph: Game Master

I think the goal is to not turn what is supposed to be free stuff for the sake of a thematic campaign into a potential burden.

Imagine you want to play a character that wants to invest into some key archetype really early on for whatever reason; you are perfectly okay spending your actual class feats on those archetype feats.

Now the GM decided to be generous and gives everybody FA limited to Pirate. While everybody else celebrates, you're now locked out of the thing you actually wanted to do!

I think what I would personally do as GM if I run FA with a very restricted list, is to let people ignore lockout from free dedications when spending class feats.

Yeah! I admit I came into this thread just think "lol, there's no way they could be a believable thread", but now I can't help but imagine a fight not unlike [early-ish One Piece spoilers]

And of course, it wouldn't need to be a fight to unconsciousness. Maybe U&T just need to stall for time...

:Glyph: Game Master

Surprised nobody has linked the actual encounter building guidelines yet: https://2e.aonprd.com/Rules.aspx?ID=2716

Other than that, as others have said, the system assumes that PCs, creatures and hazards of the same level all have the same power.

Further, an increase by two levels is supposed to be equivalent to a doubling in power; e.g. one level-3 PC vs two level-1 creatures is an even fight.

Note that "even fight" here means "50% chance of losing" not "your average encounter"

What I don't understand here is... Isn't a move name an EASIER tell? It's always in the same place and you often have to look at it anyway to know when a move is happening (even those without variations)

I think the final trial is supposed to imply that Wuk'Lamat reaching out did indeed have an effect because it partially restored Sphene's personality and stopped Final Authority spam. But it's way too unspecific IMO, and FA isn't as threatening as Endsinger's fake enrage was.

Not WL hater, but I think you are on to something here. The final arc is clearly meant to be payoff for learning to understand different cultures, but (1) Wuk'Lamar already got that payoff in the heartlands and by winning the contest, and (2) it didn't actually help that much...? I suppose it is implied that we couldn't win the final trial without WL reaching out to Sphene, but it doesn't really feel important.

I think Koana proving that he understood the lessons of the trial would have been interesting.

Not WL hater, but I think you are on to something here. The final arc is clearly meant to be payoff for learning to understand different cultures, but (1) Wuk'Lamar already got that payoff in the heartlands and by winning the contest, and (2) it didn't actually help that much...? I suppose it is implied that we couldn't win the final trial without WL reaching out to Sphene, but it doesn't really feel important.

I think Koana proving that he understood the lessons of the trial would have been interesting.

And let's not forget Azem's mysterious insights into our arrival. Could very well be relevant again regarding the Key - considering that Azem would have never had a use for an artifact related to travel between reflections...

Of note, that same dwarf calls out Conde Petie by name, as well as a huge tree (Conde Petie's sanctuary, the Iifa Tree)

:Glyph: Game Master

This is 100% personal bias speaking, because we have little go by in terms of what martial OP would enjoy, but I'll recommend Monk anyway!

It's IMO super fun already in a vacuum, and only made better by the contrast to the mediocre 5e Monk. It also fits the superhero theme to a t!

Though it depend on how crowded fights will get with 3 melees and an untamed druid. But I'd expect rather open areas from a superhero game.