Was that a Russian translation I saw? Man, is she trying to get them to declare war on us?

I hated that ep. It felt like Alaina cherry picked to fit a preordained conclusion.

And blaming Courtney Love? There was a lot of anguish in her voice when she was reading his suicide note, and I just dont think she's that good of an actress. And you figure she really went off the deep end when died, she seems so unhinged these days I don't think she would be able to keep killing Cobain a secret.

This needs to be said more often. If someone you love suddenly goes from miserable to the opposite end of the scale, be very concerned. It's natural to feel relief because they "seem better", but they may be happy because it's almost the end.

Unflaired Sub Newbie

Sounds like pit bull lobby throwing shit at the wall and hoping something sticks

Are you sure any of them actually listen, because if so they wouldn't idolize Mayhem. Euronymous would probably have told this kid to drown herself.

They're actually listed by name as non-returnable.

You know it's bad when that sub is calling people out for not having any band patches.

But he wouldn't do that. Because that's one of those things you "you just don't do", it would be abnormal to go no contact, particularly for Hank's outdated mindset. And Hank does everything to be "normal".

I'm so glad I have today off so I can spend it on the toilet because after 8 years I haven't learned not to eat any cook out food management prepares on any of the patriotic holidays. And I don't know what indigestible crap they use to make the icing blue, but it should not dye my damn toilet water.

Unflaired Sub Newbie

make sure it's not a complete violent psychopath,

Bold assumption there

Use the remote on a local DE2, and use the De2 as a banker to push out, just cut the throttle on it when you Crest the hill and throw brakes on.

Yeah, because I'm listening to a podcast about a serial killer to find out he's just a fuzzy bunny in human form.

I personally like the Wera Vario for my basic ratcheting screw driver. I looked at it and realized I don't generally use most of bits in those drivers, I tend to use either a PH2 or a flathead, and they have a blade with both. Also have a blade for ¼" sockets, and one to hold ¼ hex bits, but I pretty much only ever use the Phillip's head screwdriver.

Yeah, for the half hour before I go to work usually.

With his money he needs to add a few more zeroes.

Nice! I ordered a regular copy of "It Devours" off Amazon and got a signed one. Was definetly not complaining

Depends on how close the first pot hole he doesn't see is from the truck

See, all the experts weighed in, and I'm looking at it thinking "it looks like how you punish the apprentice/new guy for cross threading a bolt on something he put in the wrong place"