It does. Every city has PFAS in the water it's just a matter of degrees.

You're not the best at gallows humor are you? Hyperbole? Sarcasm?

If you don't get the joke maybe don't flap your gums.

How very un-Texan. Actually giving a shit about anything but yourself?

"Y'all". I'm assuming I'm talking to someone who's voted once or never.

As you focus on the Israeli/Palestinian war as the latest purity protest that you'll forget all about in a few months, the rest of us see the big picture of destroying the last vestiges of a democratic society and what that means to the entire planet and humanity in general.

I'm sure Trump's ghouls in charge of the most powerful country in the history of globe will have your best interests in mind. They learned from all their fuck ups the first time around and it won't happen again.

You're just like climate deniers as the roast in their own juices. Nothing will affect me! It's someone else's problem!

Hate to tell you this but your tax dollars are paying for killing and manipulation all over the globe but this "cause" is so popular with the kids! I don't care what your beliefs are because quite frankly there is no "good side" in this conflict but I sure the hell care when you use it to weaken the last legs of democracy in this country.

This busted ass clown car of an 18th century government sucks but it's still better than watching everything be destroyed simply out of spite of a hateful mob. At this point in time it doesn't matter who did what and when. You're here right now in the face of a monumental challenge where the focus should be very singular and you are failing badly as a citizen of this country.

Your protests and exercising your rights to speech means nothing if you evaporate that freedom for everyone else by making this election a nightmare.

Grow up. There's a lot of bad shit in this world but this conflict is a drop in the damn bucket in comparison to what will be if we aren't vigilant.

There's one at a grain mill right outside of Hastings on 316. Prominently displayed on the sign right by the road. Nice sight to see considering dumbshit fire departments putting flags at half mast the day the new flag came out.

Except that's not what's being said. You little bros seem to be creeping out of the woodwork in the last 48 hours. Wonder why?

Hope they're still there. On my way to add photos for my traitor insurrectionist catalog.

I know who you are, someone not getting an ancient somber smithing stone.

Now I know the Tooth Fairy is real.

I’ve lived with driveways in the country rougher than that

So you shouldn’t drink them. I’ve never had an energy drink in my life but clowns, like vegans, need to mind their own f’in business.

Good thing nobody is asking for your permission.

Quit being a pussy and mind your own shit.

Then you shouldn’t drink them and worry about yourself.

This isn’t an unpopular opinion, it’s a “I can’t mind my own business”.

There is only a base game until the 1st and only DLC releases. Your friend just didn’t know she existed more than likely.

Yep, definitely self centered personality. I could see you in my mind’s eye after you wrote “babe”. Hardcore Karen vibes. It’ll always be someone else’s fault.

Dragon seal is readily available in Stranded Graveyard. Get dragon incants after greasing Greyoll and you’re loaded.

It’s probably a basset mix. I had an australian shepard/basset doggo. Short legs, long body, ran around like a maniac. Hilariously cute.