Unfortunately there are lots of low information voters who would be like “cool I know her name but nothing else about her.”

Having a previously known name/face matters a ton.

So if either is the same outcome, the Dems should let him run and not scuttle the next election chances.

He got crushed by Biden 4 years ago. Why would he beat Trump this year?

The problem is most of the country has no idea who Whitmer is. Her Q rating is like 0.

Dude these guys are just talking heads man. John Favre literally was live podcasting in celebration and then Trump won.

These people are just like Bill Maher. They’re just dudes posting on Reddit to a wider audience.

The biggest thing we’ve learned over the last 30 years is: just because you ran one successful presidential campaign doesn’t mean you have any idea how to win the next one. The country, technology, communication, and people change too much in 4 years.

So you think Biden passing a test that asks you to correctly identify an elephant is going to move the polling needle?

Well, approval ratings are nonsense these days. Basically the maximum possible approval rating you can have is 50% that will decline over the course of your presidency.

37% of people will automatically disapprove of you no matter what.

20% of people in your party will automatically approve. And then you have about half of the remaining people maximum to win over. So you’re gonna fluctuate from 32-42 forever.

Nah, the cognitive test is nonsense.

What did Trump passing a cognitive test do for him? Just made more memes.

Honestly, right now polling is garbage. They get so much shit wrong it’s like - yeah on average in aggregate they are better than a coin flip. But that isn’t something to bet your strategy on.

I feel like the guy with 8 years of PhD level study in the field might know more than a 2 sentence Reddit comment.

Crazy that the Ninjas arc is already as long as the Alien Conquerors art and all of Boros. Shows how significantly the pacing has changed.

Nah in Vanilla people went to these zones a lot.

Ferelas has Dire Maul and the PvP arena.

Desolace was a big leveling area for horde as it had the level 40 dungeon Maraudon that was pretty heavily used. It was also the location to find Rexxar for Onyxia attunement. There was a fancy Fishjng rod you could get there too for horde. Definitely a quieter zone, since it was hard to get to, but there was occasional reason to go there.

Felwood was packed by high levels because you could farm Whipper Root Tubers for everything.

Part of the magic of vanilla back in the day, almost every zone had some sort of action in it. Because there were a lot more people, slower leveling of alts and mains. and also simply fewer overall zones to be in.

Light and sound are two completely different physical things.

The flash is a bunch of Photons hitting your eyes.

Photons are massless packets of energy that travel at the maximum possible speed allowed in the universe.

The sound of thunder is a wave of air molecules bumping into each other on the way to your ears. You are hearing the sound of them bumping together.

It’s basically the same as a wave on the ocean - but in air - just molecules bumping into each other in sequence.

Hanging generally means “are not defended”. One knight is directly defended.

Both knights are “tactically” defended. In other words, taking them allows for a forced tactical recapture.

So neither are hanging.

Fun looking position though.

I dont really understand the theory.

The Greeks had been a civilization identifying themselves as Greek for centuries by that point. See: Alexander the Macedonian vs the “Greeks”

The Romans were nobodies Until after the war with Hannibal. But the Romans and Cartheginians were known to the Greeks as different since Phyrrus the Greek general tried to invade around 300ish BC pre-Carthaginian wars. And Carthage had trade all over the Mediterranean.

The Etruscans were not one people they just spoke a similar language and lived near each other. But yeah I doubt anyone back then said “I’m an Etruscan”.

lol you dont get carded because the bouncer is lazy not cause you look old

I assume it’s a pet, especially adopted one if they don’t know the exact date


The other flaw is simply that the president could detain any/enough congressmen to prevent an impeachment vote and therefore prevent it from ever occurring.

Hey man you can act how you want to act with people, But this is a wild overreaction.

If you cant see the difference between someone shoving their finger up your butt and making a face I dont know what to tell you

I think you gotta stop putting sex on a pedestal man. Sounds like she was having a good time and goofing around.

You arent having "fun" if someone briefly making a face throws you off the handle. And she certainly isnt having fun if she needs to ask your permission to change her facial expression lmao.


You were actively having sex with a girl who was apparently having a really good time and she crossed her eyes and you just stopped in a rage because it looked like some stuff you saw on the internet one time?