I’m regarded but itm calls fucks less people than itm puts.

What is your definition of well adjusted? A job you waste ten hours a day on? A wife? Being non murderous except for that fucking guy who cut me off in the turn lane? I guess?

We are all Green! I repeat Houston, We are all Green!

Never give up never surrender! You win or you lose, at least you won’t have become a coward. (Psst… sell so they can moon already you paperhanded regard.)

Thank you. Your thoroughness and commitment are appreciated.

For $69 those novellas better be using AI to give me handjobs too.

It wouldn’t happen because these fines always seem to be like stealing pennies but it would be funny indeed if Europe’s regulators had to publicly backtrack.

lol if only Europe had mega cap companies to sue left and right too.

Can they really call it market manipulation when it is both so goofy and easy anymore?

Wtf is this red day! So unpatriotic, bears committing terrorism.

Not technically spurious when you think about the fact they can’t have children without adopting and when you buy a dog it is similar to adopting a child. Just way fucking easier.

Only 33 comments so far. Everyone’s port is dead or they on week long vacation.

Btc is pumping.  it’s gonna be so green this week even colorblind people will understand the color.

More proof of the dead Internet theory. As well as information control.

Spy didn’t just bounce off 550. There was a nail up there that drew a good bit of blood. No worries though tis but a flesh wound it”ll be fine in 4 hours.

One of the better outcomes of him thinking about the chocolate chips he was going to put on his ice cream.

Take a shot every time they accuse each other of something. Have fun.

Peen playing? lol the day AI takes over hookers jobs is truly humanity’s downfall. I could see it though. A robot that caters to whatever depraved sexual fantasies people have would make that company rich.

I imagine the founding fathers adding another ten more pages to the constitution.

I for one welcome our AI overlords, as long as they don’t make Fridays compute pile day.

Despite losing money that would be hilarious. And it could happen if one of the reporters frames the question right.

Just in case you’re serious, you are lucky enough to have a gf. Just buy the rope to have wild sex with her and forget the money. 

Technically Amazon is closer to what humanity wants from AI than anybody else. They are using like 700k robots to do some of their random movement tasks. Of course apparently it only replaced 100k workers but no one cares how many it takes to replace humans lol.