I loved everything about the chorus. I wasn't particularly impressed with the arrangements (they're like those on some of the few Tyler Childers records that I don't like) or the mixing in the verses (the vocals should be stronger relative to the music, but it could be my laptop speakers). The lyrics were pretty good, and she has a great voice and presentation.

I guess I loved Dune because of the effects. The original theatrical release was a big childhood favorite, then I read the book as a teen or maybe my early twenties. I watched the made for TV version after accidentally buying the wrong version at K Mart. It’s highly under-rated. So the new one was just another take on things, with modern effects.

I’ve never been high enough or enlightened enough to fully appreciate Mulholland Drive, though the scene with the cowboy and his dog is a favorite.

Infinitesimal or astronomically against. Ignore Galenthias, he is wrong in the same way.

I had a stroke and also needed cardiac bypass surgery. My poor health habits and lack of attention to doctors’ orders are probably more to blame than the job, though the stroke may have been partially due to some toxic ass coworkers at the time. I’ve been at it a very long time. The biggest threat to my health from the job has been the sedentary lifestyle. Other than that it’s quite enriching. Lack of sun damage to my skin is a big positive at this point in my life.

“Always drive the cheapest car you can stand and fly the finest airplane you can afford.” As far as dispatching goes, I’d say, pride yourself on the method, don’t doubt yourself from the outcome.

Just a normal underground game. In case you missed it, the hot dogs were free. The four hundred dollars was a couple of buy-ins at 1-2 NLHE, which I mostly blinded away.

I paid $400 for two hot dogs at a home game once, not counting the poker.

Recycled cardboard. Apparently they can definitely support more than one person, unless they're judo athletes and really going at it hard.

There are plenty of attractive depressions on you I'd be happy to push my anti-depressant into.

You didn't fall for the latest iPhone. You also look pretty hot.

I'll bet you're not the heaviest load that mare has had to handle. You look great in a t-shirt and jeans. Your shades coul hide a real Karen or an all-time beauty.

Your hair and eyes are queenly. Your tongue is catlike.

You look warm on a cold night.

That's a n inviting tongue and intriguing eye makeup.

Very impressive features. Is that a plastic or fiber band around the neck, or is it a tattoo?

California have some pretty nice desserts? I thought they were too calorie conscious over there.

I’m also from Kentucky and graduated high school in ‘93. I’m guessing there’s a spike in the fan base in my specific demographic.

Ah, I think my skepticism kicked in before I read his whole post and wanted to figure it anyway.

That was also my calculation, but you have to take into account how many 70/30 hands he’s played, so if he’s played a thousand of them, the chances jump to almost .3% that a streak of ten losers will occur, which probably happens to every 350 players who play that much. His numbers on the 70/30 could be off, but it isn’t incredible.

This probably goes without saying, but while the single chip call rule is quite well-known, it’s hardly the most basic or obvious rule there is. I think that one is don’t grab your opponents’ cards or chips. To a novice, an unannounced single chip could go either way.