Then what’s the point of getting a tablet at all?

She? Is that a fact? All I know is OP is female.

That’s not something you can do if you have multiple kids that need to be carried and or one of your kids is an eloper. Infant carrier seats are heavy and I need two hands to carry it and then I can’t hold my other kids hands. This is why I ALWAYS park next to a cart corral. I’ve never not returned a cart.

On top of that the price per donut increases with quantity.

This person never gives anything back

Elixir of Life

No. If you want water then it’s cheaper to buy the food items separately. Duh. They ask if you are sure because you are stupidly spending more money then you have to by paying for a drink you deny for free water.

Your mom is a hydrohomie and she is welcome to join our sub. r/ hydrohomies

You stopped gaming after 4?

Elixir of Life

White claw doesn’t quench anything.

But did y’all notice the finger? 🤣

I love it. I love robots, I love A.I. it’s all so amazing. So long as they follow the 3 laws of robotics.

OR maybe pay them a typical salary but cover the expenses of getting and keeping the job!

So many upvotes but you read this so shallowly. What they’re saying is that if only the wealthy can afford this job then that’s who will be elected. Rich people will run this country.

The type of people to ignore a pandemic are the type of people to ignore traffic laws. Big surprise.