This hero happens to wear a cape.

Your friends are polite.

I think Garak is my favorite villain. Data is my favorite character overall, although I'm not really a fan of what they did with him in Picard.

I think Garak is my favorite DS9 character.

Not ugly, very pretty.

My mental health isn't well enough for me. If I care about a person, then I wouldn't put them through dealing with my own problems. I isolate myself.

I know exactly who you're talking about, thank you for explaining.

Hell no. I'd hit on you for sure.

Who's Pascal Fullerton? I'm not familiar with the name.

I don't know what this is, but it doesn't feel like awfuleverything. Maybe TIHI.

He's probably doing it intentionally, dipping his toe into the water to see how you'll react. He's probably masturbating because he wants to get your attention and move to having sex.

I couldn't care less about any sports to be honest. I used to like watching hockey a little, but I haven't watched in years.

I'd probably struggle not to murder someone.

Go for it and let us know what you think. I've never seen it.

I repeatedly watch TNG, then DS9, and finally VOY. It's constantly running at my house.

These dewbacks and other CGI scenes were added after the initial release of the movie.

How many moths does it take to screw in a lightbulb?

Only two, but they don't know how they got in there.

How would evolution go about this? How does evolution realize that something is being perceived a certain way, and then mimic that appearance in something else? There were so many varieties of flys that look like different wasps. Neither the wasp or the fly really have any idea what they look like.