I did. It looks fantastic and I don't want to face the possible scarcity when it drops. Maybe it will be in dollar bins within a year, and I'm wasting my money, but in that case I'll just buy a dozen instead of the one I currently have on order.

Doing "stuff." ... Cool. My daughters aren't "people" anymore, but Biden has been doing stuff. ... Cool.

LoL. Conservatives in the USA are creating laws that force rape marriage on 12 year old girls. ... But you don't think that is mistreating anyone, I guess.

Sounds like a personal deficiency. Bad take, bro.

That long tail makes it look like a flair, but I've never known one to last longer than about 90 seconds.

Lots of people get blocked from that sub. Don't sweat it.

The reason is that your comment uses a lot of right wing propaganda verbiage. It sounds like you are a right wing troll trying to rile people up and drum up votes for Trump. I'm not saying you are. But that's what your comment reads like.

I have not seen any leftists doing this.

But I do like the comparison to Weimar Germany only because it is so misunderstood. Yes, the NAZIs came after them and were obviously awful, but it is important to point out that people were right to be angry. Inflation was so high that people had to take their pay at lunch and buy bread because by 5PM it wasn't enough for a meal. People burned cash for heat because it was cheaper than wood. People were starving and drying in the streets. Even knowing the outcome, if someone offered you a choice between your family starving horrifically now or living happily for 8 years and then dying in a fire bomb, which would you choose?

Not saying Biden is that bad, obviously, but things ain't great. People are grasping at anything that they think will make a change. I just wish someone would offer a change FOR THE BETTER :-/ Trump ain't that!

The Packers claiming to be an NFL team before the NFL existed will always be hilarious to me.

I'll be honest, I don't understand the obsession with flair. I'm just a fan of the league.

Based on the number of votes they get from citizens in states that then translate to electoral votes. That's how voting in the US works. 🙄

Make no mistake, if Biden "steps down" then the Republican candidate wins in a landslide in 24.

Now if you're saying he should hand it over to Kamala on his 731st day (2 years and one day, do that it doesn't count as her first term) of his 2nd term, then I agree completely.


"It's NoT a LUbRiCanT iZ a cLeAnuRr." Yeah, I know. But WD-40 is the right answer. Going on 40+ years here and the squeaks/slowdown hasn't come back. WD-40 for all your door hinges.

Awesome. There is a blue, white, and black one too. Such a cool cover.

A lot of sci Fi revolves around the idea of aliens wanting our world, for some reason. But there really isn't anything special about Earth for them to want. I think it is all just a macguffin built out of recycled "aliens stealing our women" tripe. If anything, it seems like LIFE is the only special thing. Something like Jupiter Ascending or Marvel Galactus is more likely, where the aliens actually want to harvest us

That's the worst possible, but most likely, answer, isn't it? You're sort of left wondering if maybe there are NOT two sides after all, just one, and this is what they want.

The only people I would trust right now are the 97 voting members of the Progressive Caucus. I firmly believe that if (it's a big IF) we somehow manage to keep a Union together for another decade or two, that we will see the Republicans disappear and the Democrats split into left/right. Because let's be honest, most of the establishment Dems are further right than Reagan, right now.

I ask this question every day. I don't have any good answers. Honestly, we need to abandon ship.

I think the truth is both. The establishment Dems are bought and sold by the same people as the Reps, but I don't think the ruling elites quite grasp that they've let the cat out of the bag. The Rs are fanatical zealots who will burn everything to the ground, including themselves, if they think it will "piss of the libs." They cannot control this faction of psychos. I believe they think they are insulated or rich enough that they can always just leave the country, or buy protection, but they are playing with fire.

The Democrats have really shat the bed on this one. (For 8 years)

Science requires evidence. Neil is just expounding on the lack of evidence. Love him or hate him, nothing he said is wrong.

Billionaire industrialist says that only giving billionaires more power over industry can save us from the problems that billionaires having control of industry created in the first place...

Yeah, no thanks. Solar, owned by citizens, will do just fine thanks.

This is what should happen. Unfortunately, Biden, and the rest of the establishment Dems' inaction on this will have very long and negative effects.

You are correct, there is lots of red in this image. But also, yes, there are illusions that work this way without cheating, it just isn't as distinct. It's all really just a play on the chess piece illusion that uses only lighting and grays.

Get that cheddar! LoL. The people paying you are the worst, so extract as much from them as possible. You should steal from the office too. Office chairs fetch a surprisingly high price on eBay!

I have never once attacked, only attempted to engage with your comment(s). I think civic discourse is important. You obviously do not. And the fact that you don't engage in civic discourse is probably why you misunderstand what basic things like "splitting the vote" are, and instead focus on petty, juvenile, and divisive name calling. What do you think the effect of that is? You think you inspire anyone to vote your way by closing messages with "carry on, trumper?" The effect of that is suppression, or protest votes, both of which harm your "side." So one must assume that is your goal, which makes you either a paid troll (good for you, get that cheddar!) or a sad misinformed "activist" who is working against their own best interest out of ignorance. Sad.

Straw man and sarcasm. Still no argument. Still no thoughts. Sad.

"You are a vote for Trump." ...a vote for Trump is a ballot. Ballots aren't human. Do you even listen to yourself? It's a straight quote. It's right there in black and white. If/when you learn how to have a discussion I'll be right here willing to engage. But I'm not holding my breath...

Wrong! I am a human. Very obvious fail on your part. Very stupid looking. I invite you to try again when/if you decide to turn brain to "on" position (hopefully not for first time).

But but ... even when the Dems back right wing extremism "blu no matter who" otherwise you are a vote for Trump, right?

(If the sarcasm was any thicker it would be solid mass. OP is right)