Oh it was done for comedy? A fan favorite character we have grown attached to for years getting tortured was comedic for you?

Firecracker getting off easy because she's a woman was the WHOLE POINT. The show isn't saying that's a good thing. If you don't realize that, how did you ever like any of the boys?

It could've been some offhand comment by a-train, Ashley, the deep, sage.

The point was to show that it was in fact about tailoring your bullshit to the audience. It wasn't bad writing, it was you bad listening.

This guy's got the 'ethics, standards, and procedures manual' for bdsm

It's supposed to be sickening to watch because it does so many things. It builds tension and horror, it sets up a reason to further hate tek Knight, and most importantly it makes it believable that hughie would have his emotional collapse at the end of the episode. Showing his shift from complete denial to just breaking down and having to tell the one person he completely trusts now that his dad is gone that he's "not ok". That shit stung, and it made it very apparent nothing that happened to him was actually played for laughs

The left one was Kyle Flanagan out of Omaha Nebraska, the right one was chester Fremont out of Detroit Michigan.

:Night_King: Night King

Dany minus season 8. She had to work the hardest for it, she freed slaves and didn't until the stupidity in season 8 could be reasoned with. Alicent is stupid, cercie is evil, rhaenyra just never knew da struggle.

I'm going to be honest chief, i don't care for this whole imaginary discussion.

Is it? I know people closer to their friends than their parents. Or are you going at the angle of years of abuse is better than rape? The point is you don't know that relationship, you're injecting yourself and your own life experiences into what you imagine that relationship is. No one here knows or has any reason to look into it. Do i wish he didn't? Hell yes! But once again I don't know that relationship!

I don't know his relationship with his "best friend", you don't know the relationship with his "best friend". People keep throwing around assumptions about this "best friend". My father just remarried and invited his abusive mother, I'm not suddenly going to assume those 2 are tight because of that, but i'm not going to pry because that's none of my business and it's between those 2. This whole issue is so parasocial, it's ludicrous.

I'm officially on the train of this sub is just brigaded. Until there is proof or reason for me to believe outside of "girl with questionable record of honesty said it happened". If there's even a little bit of proof, i will accept it happened and also unsub. I'm sorry i'm not going to support y'all trying to wreck this guy's life because you are willing to bury someone without proof.

I keep seeing posts making fun of people who have a problem with the force being called different names. You know what i haven't seen? A single post complaining about the force being called different names.

If it's a problem on X or facebook, that's your fault for using those dumpster fires. However, even on the more toxic subreddits i've checked on this is not a complaint.

Freddy is one of my favorites along with Beth, but yeah sometimes he goes overboard. It usually works though for humor

I think I'm officially over the phrase "go touch some grass" it was hilarious for like a year, but it's overstayed it's welcome and now unoriginal people throw it around rather than drinking a fresca.

I think their gimmick gets a bit tiring but I like them more often than not

Then leave the sub, it sounds like you're voluntarily placing yourself in environments that make you hostile

Why does this shit get downvoted?! I will never blame a victim of SA ever, and we should listen to victims whenever they come out. However, this is a man's life and reputation that can be destroyed with allegations like this. Just because you listen to victims does not mean you go to harass someone without evidence. I literally hate the term cancel culture but this would be some strong evidence like it is a problem. Whats funny is these folks are pretending they would feel better if he acknowledged it, but if he did, I guarantee they'd say his apology wasn't enough BECAUSE IT NEVER IS. Everyone needs to slow tf down

Walter White's "fuck you" in the diner with what's her name had such excellent delivery. That was the first time I was scared of what appeared to be a kind misguided science teacher.

Movie wise it's terminator

I mean it depends on where you are. Across the US and Europe sure, but as you cross into other regions white racism is valid and should also not be defended.