Another option would be to buy some refillable travel sprays and then you can bring them all with you and they wont take up any room in your suitcase/bag + maybe look into buying a fragrance whilst you're there, that way you'll always put that scent to this vacation so good memories all around!

Pep is taking over the sporting world, he’s been everywhere these last few weeks

I have a Manchester City association cup winners from 1904 which I think is pretty cool, I love the really older stuff as its not something you see every day. I do love seeing the cigarette cards, they're just so unique and for how old they are they're super cheap!

Won’t be a quick process but I think if you’re playing a lot of games daily then you’ll nail it!

Also, how do you not get the urge to spend your Renown? I always feel so tempted to buy packs whenever I get enough 😂

Fabian Ruiz, underrated baller. If we got Kimmich I’d be over the moon with that alone but add 1 of the others and it’s heaven



Olmo, Ruiz, Musiala, Wirtz, we’d be spoilt for choice!

They’re good wrestlers and always put on a good show but they’re just quite bland? Like there’s nothing that makes them stand out

:mci:Manchester City

I don't think the issues with Henderson were for the money, its more so because he was an advocate for LGBT so that's why people were annoyed at/with him. I have no issues with players going to Saudi or China (when they were the "next big" players in world football) for the money, not speaking for Henderson or De Bruyne, but for the younger players it can be a short career, some could possibly be 1 tackle away from it being over so I don't blame them for getting that money. I personally don't care where players decide to play, if I was a player, I'd be doing exactly the same thing.

:mci:Manchester City

I love how y'all are criticising him, as if all of you wouldn't be jumping on the next plane for that kind of money.

Obviously I would love to keep him at City (still the best player maker in the world, nobody can replace him), but we aren't going to be offering him the money that they will in Saudi and I'm sure Kevin knows/understands this. But we'll have to wait and see what happens, hopefully he stays 🙏

Absolutely HUGE for us! She’ll offer us so much going forward, now if we can announce Shimizu as well then we’re off to the perfect start for this window 🙏

Hopefully her best games of football are still to come and with all the luck she can avoid injuries, she’ll be a vital part of us winning the league! Fantastic signing for us, such a versatile player.

-Now announce Shimizu pls 🙏

After seeing again this I might have to do a rewatch - I finished my recent rewatch in April... but might go for it again, 2 rewatches in the same year sounds like fun!

Fantasy Stanway has been a bulldozer in my midfield

:mci:Manchester City

Doku - Haaland/Alvarez - Savio with a mixture of Grealish, Foden and Silva in there, can't wait to see Pep cook with this lad!

An honest question, do you guys think the outrage from people would’ve been as severe if it was just Abe or Abe and someone else getting killed instead of Glenn?

I usually rock the Santa stuff from the winter event, it just looks hilarious seeing Dokk santa dancing and vibing 😂

Dokkaebi, she pulls out a boombox and hits some great moves 10/10

Honestly, none of them. I don't have a hard time watch any of the seasons and I enjoy them all, each season is different to others but all are very enjoyable for me. I know lots of people disagree with that which is fine, each to their own opinion.

We’re definitely getting bodied by the Swiss

I hope Foden doesn’t play next game just so these brain dead fans can watch England get destroyed by the Swiss and then they’ll realise that he isn’t the issue.

Nobody in this England side plays well at all, they play like it’s their first time playing with each other, we’ve got players constantly thinking that they’re superman and can do everything alone then lose the ball, players not making the right runs, nobody offering support in the correct spaces.

People often like to say that Foden is a Pep system player only, and maybe that’s true but the reason why Foden works in a Pep system is because everyone else is on board with the same system, we all work in synergy, so if 1 player is doing something at least 3/4 other players know what to do and where to position themselves, England simply don’t have that.

I remember unlocking this at like 4am, I did a lot of silent screams of rage trying to get this, so happy that I finally got it 🙏

:mcfc: Manchester City

Oh damn, Michele Kang is rich rich! This is great news for London City Lionesses, clearly them and Michele mean business which is wonderful for the women's game!

John Cena & Asuka, 2 undisputed GOATs in WWE

Buying accounts is against the TOS. You’d be better off just buying the credits for the glaciers, I know it would probably cost more but always better to be safe than sorry. Too many scammers out there in the world.