How do you know people here aren't?
Also, this was in the context of it being revealed that a staffer was raped at Parliament House, and a report that was released by the Australian Human Rights Commission, which examined the nature and prevalence of sexual harassment in Australian workplaces, and our Prime Minister, instead of addressing rape that happened in his workplace meaningfully, amid an epidemic of gendered violence said we should be grateful we're not being shot for protesting. It's a bit like saying "you have indoor plumbing," or "there is oxygen nearby." It's such a low bar that I'm not going to lick your boots and say thank you, while we had a leader who was more interested in sprucing the fact that we don't shoot protestors instead of addressing the fact that way too many women are dying per week in this country.

I'm gonna guess it's a bunch of white guys who think you should be allowed to display nazi flags, so at least we now they're racist? I don't get that logic, but I'm sorry you guys won't be able to spot the racists quicker.

Honestly, I think poms see that it's sunny and assume it's Shangri-La. I'm at my limit of people from the UK who bang on about this place as if it's paradise, it's just insulting.

remember when Sco Mo was like, "you bloody sheilas should be glad you're not being shot for protesting!" Like ok dude, weird flex but OK

Keith (I refuse to call him by his middle name) doesn't even live here, so the fact the he funds conservative propaganda campaigns about how this country is too woke is so f*cking laughable.

Not to mention Australia's bushfire season is now starting in July (THAT'S WINTER DOWN HERE MATE) due to climate change, and the extinction caused by colonialism and settlers in this country. We have some of the most climate change affected areas in the world, but because mining exports so much money to China, successive governments have refused to do anything meaningful in way of renewables. The labor goverment tried to introduce a mining tax about fifteen years ago, and she was hounded with a propaganda campaign by the mining industry into making the legislation way more relaxed. Mining companies have also been destroying indigenous sacred sites, and they're not on the hook financially for environmental damage after their mine sites cease operations, so it costs the tax payer billions to repair the local landscape. Once mining goes, we're fucked, because we have governments who have done nothing to plan for such an eventuality. It'll actually be Mad Max out here.

Just cause it rains in England, and Alf gets to toddle along the beach in Australia, does not mean Australia isn't a challenging place to live.
Unfortunately conversative Australian politicians are encouraging British style austerity for the next election, which would only make Australia an even more expensive place to live, given that we're currently in the top 10. Hopefully the election won't be called this year, so we can at least avoid until next year. We've had simliar policies introduced that the Tories have over the past 11 years: uni fees have increased, the threshsold to pay back uni debt has been lowered, humanities degrees were made more expensive cause we rely on exporting mining, and they just want engineers, uni debts were indexed until only recently, so mine's gone up by about $3000 dollars. I also work in health, and we're so desparate for nurses and doctors, we're offering students who haven't graduated full-time placements in lieu of their last year of education regionally, including midwives, which is a terrible idea. One hospital I worked at offered a cash bonus to nurses who could recruit other nurses. You can pretty much no longer get GP consults bulk billed, the federal funding wasn't expanded after COVID, so you're paying close to $100 per consult. In the middle of all this, the Prime Minister gave himself and his colleagues a pay rise, so he earns $300,000 a year now. Politicians are overrepresented in this country as homeowners and investor/owners compared to the national average, so you know they're not going to do shit about shit.

Homelessness has increased, it's estimated about 1600 people A MONTH are pushed into homelessness by the current housing crisis. It now costs eight times your annual salary to buy a house, and rental prices have increased in all major cities except for Darwin. It now costs me to rent a room in the major city I live in what I could've comfortablly rented a one bedroom apartment for, pre-Covid. We're also managing to find time for an increase in the number of women killed due to intimate partner violence (FUN), last year in November, six women were killed in a span of two weeks. Oh and that Rwanda refugee detention thing? Stolen from Australia, but we have Indonesia and Cambodia to bribe with private and governmenet contracts so they gladly detain refugees. The five point immigration system you have in Britain? Also ganked from our immigration policies.
Don't believe Home and Away, this place is going to the dogs.

Literally my first thought. She could not have picked a worst time to move to Australia, rental prices have gone up in all major citites, and there's a huge housing shortage. Unless she wants to be picking fruit for f*ck all, she'd need a job offer to move out here and have a decent, stable life. She just likes the sunsets and figures it'll be that all the time lmao

After Claude by Iris Owens. A woman refuses to let her boyfriend break up with her. She’s delusional, and it’s fucking hilarious. It’s really hard to find tho, I think it was out of print for a bit?

She literally has nothing else to do. If I didn’t have a job, I could make yoghurt from scratch too.

I think most people who scream “Free Palestine” are pretty aware that doesn’t include being under the rule of a terrorist group (tho let’s be honest, the IDF is one too).

The only single parents I know who make FIFO work either have grown up children still living at home, or have family/ex partners to assist with child care. If you don’t have that, maybe a drive in drive out job depending on your location?

Not to big up this colony too much as well. When Paul Keating acknowledged colonial atrocities, John Howard went absolutely apeshit.

Because America sees itself as a nation that freed itself from the tyrannical oppressors that were the British monarchy, not as Europeans that systemically stole land off indigenous people. Manifest destiny and the discovery doctrine are all things they conveniently forget about. Also, education around critical race theory has become so controversial in America because of this. They don’t even like it when slavery is brought up.

I remember trying caviar for the first time and being so confused. I was very underwhelmed to say the least lol

Hummus is boring bean sand thats been pushed on us by posh people. Also, pizza’s overrated - it’s good, but people bang on about it like it’s the best culinary thing ever invented. It’s not.

I remember a guy told me he once shelved a block of cheese. I had just been introduced to him at a party. I hadn’t asked.

Right? Why rent a room in a share-house when you can pay not much more for you own place, that’s how exorbitant it is, it’s ridiculous. I remember when you could rent a room in a share-house for somewhere between 50-100 bucks.

OMG THIS! I used to be a receptionist, and the amount of people (some of them co-workers that I was really friendly with) who used to watch me get abused, and not say anything was very depressing.

Your employer is going to care more about profit than worker well being, unless you happen to have a very good employer, which is the exception, not the rule. I think given the press that woolies has had, including underpaying it’s workers by quite a bit of money, like millions, in addition to disastrous press and government scrutiny, then they’re probably not going to be all that supportive of workers turning away customers, cause they kind of need them right now.