I have been applying it for 6 month with multivitamin supplies given by my dermatologist Apart from hair length increasing faster i havent seen any progress in my hairgrowth Here is how it went month by month

Month 1 : min+fin topical twice a day with multivitamin …it led too massive shedding

Month2 : only min twice a day multivitamin Shedding decreased

Month 3: min + fin twice a day multivitaming hairloss became negligible my hair started looking better than before

Month 4 : only min once at night and keratosome rcp sol once at day and multivitamin hairloss returned

Month 5: min+ fin at night And keratosome once a day and multivitamin …hairloss is still the same .. I had a haircut and realised nothing changed much

is there anything i am doing wrong..(all the things i have said that i have applied is after consulting a dermatologist and not by my self)