Nah, that is standard middle eastern jesus.

The world isnt just black and white.

You've clearly seen the movie and got confused.

Dan Brown combined combined several different sets of myths to make a "conspiracy" narrative.

The Templars have NOTHING to do with Gnosticism, aka the Mary Magdeline cult of the Da Vinci Code.

Gnosticism is much OLDER than the Templar movement circa. 1100-1330AD.

Gnostic texts go all the way back almost 1000 years earlier to the 1st and 2nd century AD onward. Gnosticism is much more than a heretical christian sect. It's a completely different religion to Christianity, that combined elements of different forms of Paganism, Zoroastrianism and Christianity together. They had their own priests, bishops and scholars. Gradually the Gnostic movement moved upward from the ME into Southern Europe where they based themselves in Southern France and Northern Italy. They were mostly converted into Catholicism or wiped out in several Crusades from 1100s-1300s AD.

Gnostic ideas like Dualism, Archons, Demiurge, sacred feminine, emphasis on occult knowledge, vegetarianism, vows of celibacy, often belief in reincarnation etc still hang around today. Especially in Hollywood, Art and fiction.


Combat in most Star Wars media in general IS ridiculous.

Beyond weird seeing the mainstream media finally "reveal" Biden's actual state.....after gaslighting the public and covering his ass for 4 years.

Potatoes are tops, that's for sure.

Good points. Ironically, in the case of the Highlander Scots. They may have been bigger physically. Sure. But they were certainly no match for Lowlander guns and education system which totally dominated them by the 1700 onward.

Yes. EATING GRAINS ALONE is a receipe for vitamin deficiency.

But that's NOT what the food pyramid is recommending. And no one has suggested that you should only eat grains. If people did eat grains only, it was due to poverty. Not by choice.

Anyway. Back to the subject. The food pyramid is about dividing up food resources and portions of carbs, meat and veg etc. Not about ONLY eating bread because of poverty or famine.

I'm pointing this out that the food pyramid was not a conspiracy to posion the human race like meat activists often claim. There's nothing wrong with eating rice or potatoes or pasta or bread if you don't have coeliac or gluten issues. You eat them in combination with everything else, you will live just fine.

Prior to introduction of modern farming methods in the late 1800s- early 1900s, fresh meat was pricey and something reserved for the middle class and upper class. Even more so in developing countries. Poor people ate meat very sparingly, and if they did eat it was usually tinned processed meat or offcuts.

Cheap, filling Carbs like bread, pasta, corn, porridge, potatoes and rice have been the friend of and the universal staple of the poor and working class people in every country/culture in the world since ancient times.

The modern "food pyramid" is not perfect, but it was simply trying to combine existing food habits and divide up useage of all food groups in a cost effective, beneficial way for everyone with the infomation they had at the time.

I don't eat dairy or gluten because of genetic intolerances. But I can tell you it's f**king expensive and very impractical to live like I do. Certainly if you are on an average income.

Bread, milk and cheese are cheap, in abundance and full of vitamins if you can eat them. Look at the French diet. They eat bread, milk and cheese and live over 80+ no problem.

I don't care tbh. As long as it is obtained legitimately. A gift is a gift.

However I think he may have a more effective ministry to his poorer congregation if he dresses plainly, wears a simple watch, talks plainly and acts like a respectable guy.

They're all terriblely priced and I'm going to skip every single one of them.

In order. Podrace, endor, sarlacc pitt, tantive =best value

What age did you develop pois mate?

Vitamins do f**k nothing for me.

Finding safe people IRL may take years bro.

Not to mention these people come and go out of adult life very quickly. It's natural.

Best i think to ask your questions, then make a choice if you want to continue reading.

I did the No more mr nice guy audiobook and came back to different chapters over a 1 month period.

Take your time with it. No rush.

Pretty much.

Can't say I like the set. My score 3.25/5.

Lego keeps making these overpriced platform slabs with basically no personality, built in creativity or real play features. Normies cite the figs and automatically give it 5 stars. Lego never has to change their design and we end up with the same problem every season.

If blue man was NOT in this set, it would have been universally panned.

It is Criticism.

A legitimate or fair question can draw out both good and bad answers.

We all know this.

We should ask questions and hear what people have to say, making judgements for ourselves whether it is true or false.

Not generally concerned with divisions like Protestant, Catholic, Orthodox or Syriac etc.

A Christian is a Christian to me.

Blah blah disagree on theological differences and strange practices everyone else is mentioning. Blah blah papal infallibility etc.

I understand there may be a long tradition or various justifications for asking the dead saints for intercession. If other Christians want to do that. Fine. But personally I won't do it. Many Catholics I know have gone one step further and literally practice witchcraft now.

Contacting the dead in any way is not a good idea. Common sense. Let them rest in peace.

Criticism is not slander mate.

I think you'll live.

The question asked was fair and reasonable.

Chocolate tiny teddies were my favorite.

Also when available, a small bag of popcorn.

Definitely seen my gaming hours go down dramatically. I play like 1-2 games a year now 🤣 It takes me ages to do baisc quests too.

Good for you kid.

It's definitely not a fun ride, but this sub gives you a home to ask questions and stay safe.