Oh wow for sure! Did you have a favorite or was the diversity part of the whole experience?

That sounds like a total romp for sure! That’s gonna be hectic but sounds so good

I really appreciate that insight! Yes I will definitely check them out and start looking at ones that interest me particularly for future travels!

International National Park Systems

Outside of North America, it seems like New Zealand is maybe the country with a National Park system that has the best cohesive branding and reputation. Are there any park systems you know about that encourage the same devotion and love as the NPS or Parks Canada?

Is visiting every national park of “x” country on anyone’s bucket lists? If so what country is that for you?

This whole rhino farm rewilding saga has been crazy. Definitely want to read someone’s deep dive book about it in the future

Actually just went for the day from Vic Falls!

Totally stunning. Apparently the dry season has thousands of buffalo and impala by the river so a return trip may be in order

Yeah I did but those def don’t do it justice aha I need to go back and try again!

Bryce in the snow is always an unreal experience!

RIP betel nut getting left out again

I’ve sailed across the international date line at the equator so I guess 180 degrees east and west 😅

Then Tromso for north and Fiordland, NZ for south

No this was Zealandia Te Māra a Tāne in Wellington. I’ll have to check out Rotoroa!

Maybe just the tourist offseason but I reckon so

Saw a laser kiwi flag in the wild! Would have grabbed it if the store had been open! I really want one.