It's not Lowes, it's the idiots in the building. If a single member of management, including the DS that said to post this pic can't take 30 seconds to input this then the culture in that building is garbage.

Another selfish prick with a pointless post. If you don't want to donate, don't. Doesn't mean people that have the means won't or shouldn't be given the option.

You just showed you're a typical prick that shouldn't work for a company that gives back to the community.

Amen to this. Never burn bridges at ANY job because sometimes the grass isn't greener on the other side and you'll need to go back.

Don't be a simp...annulment is the only answer.

Tell me you know nothing about what Lowes and HD sell in one paragraph.

No one cares about your wants, it's the needs for the contractors that matter.

Take your feelings back into the corner and shut up.

Great. Poor reading comprehension also. So you have a problem DM. The rest of the company doesn't have DMs like yours that are so involved. I've worked in multiple REGIONS. Understand now?

Your experience is limited. I worked for Lowes in many stores, districts and Regions and the DM doesn't care. It's not his issue.

Couple of things to understand, you're completely clueless. No one outside of the store makes and decisions to fire ANYONE unless it's an HR case. Period.

Second, this DS has previously been held accountable for performance so this wasn't the first time. If they weren't performing then unfortunately that's the name of the game.

So..youre full of shit. There are no layoffs coming.

Good. Maybe with this extra OT they'll finally learn how to load a damn truck.

Your gf straight up lied to you. There is a process to getting fired and she's been on it for a while most likely. This didn't just happen. She's probably cheating on you also so I'd check in on that. She's not trust worthy.

Shows how great of an employee you are if no one even notices you're gone.

Just sayin

So I'm gonna be an asshole here, but that's ok. Do people really need to post every life situation on a damn public forum to get input from complete strangers instead of figuring shit out on there own? Like fuck....figure it out for yourself.

Funny you think LTR are part of the manager bonus. LTR really is a gauge of how engaged your team is. That's it. Shitty LTR, shitty team. Good LTR, good team. That's it and there no other way to say it.

Nah...I just got values. You apparently have none. All good.

So youre proud that youre a crook? Weird flex, but ok

It's a sign. You can't do your job right.

Your tiny ass mag. Other than that...looks great

Then from them is a good option.

Tell me you live in California without telling me you live in California.

You dont. BCM upper and Aero lower. Youre welcome.