When I did emergency room medical transcription, I saw reports of a lot of accidents.

Some of the more common critical injuries were from falls from stairs and ladders. People would slip in their bathrooms or kitchens as well. It often just took a fluke to break a hip. However, for an elderly person, this was often the gateway to a hospital stay and more.

MVAs on rec vehicles, especially when no helmet was used were frequent.

Knife /blade injuries (including saw and Xacto) can be more serious than they initially appear. Get them stitched and get an antibiotic and your tetanus updated.

My recommendation: if concussion/head injury is even a remote possibility - or you’re having discomfort that might be a cardiac event - or a blood clot - go to emergency and be checked.

I went as my friend’s Plus-One to the taping of Millionaire in 2018. I was called up to help him answer a question for $20K. He ultimately won $50K.

I recall that the studio lights were very bright. We were only allowed to wear certain colors, and definitely not green or blue. I surprised myself not being quite as nervous as I had expected when I was up there. There was definitely a freeze response, though. It was overall a really awesome experience.

All the episodes for the season are taped within a few days. If a contestant continues to the next episode, it’s usually taped the same day. This happened to us, so we had to go change our shirts quickly before the taping of the next show, so it would look like the next day.

The taping was in mid July in Vegas. These episodes aired at the end of November. We had to sign non disclosures regarding the outcome until the air date.

Be careful if you ever use Thumbtack, too. Although I found a good handyman who I now utilize from that app, there were a couple prior to him who broke into some not-too-professional chatter once they came over and figured out I was there by myself. One would think a tradesman with his own business would exercise a bit more professional decorum.

“I’m happier sober.”

“Alcohol and I don’t see eye to eye.”

“It is not pretty (when I drink).”

Pork/ham. Stories about what burning humans smell like. Also from something I learned when reading about parasites, to the effect that there are 1,000 larvae per square inch in raw pork.

Uh uh uhhh Ayatollah….

Cool your jets. Meditate. Relax, eat a hamburger. (I say this and no one ever knows what I’m talking about 😆)

Look straight ahead when you pass your neighbors’ homes and at least don’t appear to be staring into their windows. Especially do not spy into someone’s backyard. This is an intrusion upon personal privacy.

Do not pull a “Looky Lou” at the scene of an accident. Either render assistance or move along.

My husband and I divorced. I then had a boyfriend for almost six years. My ex-husband passed away two years after we divorced; my boyfriend a few years later.

I mourned both of them quite a bit.

Although I often think of myself as widowed, I usually just say single.

I was gonna say a liberal, but commie is good, too. Kennedy was considered a liberal back then. Now he’d be pretty middle of the road or even conservative. My dad was sure called a communist for supporting him where we lived in a 99% Republican area.

Went to school with a Laycock. Nice guy.

I dated a Dickman. A name I would not have taken.

I was wearing a silly shirt with a picture of JFK and “I am a Jelly Donut” (referring to his “Ich bin ein Berliner” speech. Boomer saw the Kennedy, glared, and muttered, “Uugghh, you’re one of those.”

I went from a WFH to an office job for 15 months, thinking it would be a good idea at that point in my life. While it was a learning experience, it was overall a huge mistake and an incredible amount of stress. I am back working from home and I don’t think I’ll ever go back to in person.

Absolutely. I roll my eyes when I see exaltation of that man.

My mom made peanuts, but because she owned a home, we didn’t qualify for financial aid when I was college age. I was fortunate enough that my dad (they were divorced) decided to step up and do what he could.

I like cranberry juice and know a lot of others who also drink it, not only because they have a UTI. People are presumptuous! 🙄

I just bought lime flavored to put with cran-raspberry 😋

Same here. I don’t drink, so it’s like my cocktail. Cranberry juice with sparkling water.

Corn fields in Nebraska are not the most optimal literal field trips.

Robert Downey Jr. has always done it for me. He can be my Iron Man any time.

They let the dog piss on the same plant every single day and let it off leash so it can come back into my yard where I’ve seen it drop poop. Off leash dogs aren’t allowed in my community as it is. When I said something to her, she got indignant. Then, that night, the man and daughter had a very loud karaoke session by the fence for an hour from 8-9 pm. 🙄

PowerWash plus vinegar/water on glass shower walls has to be one of the best bathroom cleaning hacks ever.