Obligatory disclaimer that this is person and situation dependent -- just curious about your personal experience, on your "median" hike.

For me, I usually do the following:

Water: Yes, always. Usually either 1L or 2L depending if it's a half or full day (exception if it's a very hot / dry area).

Food: Yes, but not significantly more than I would eat normally (maybe one emergency granola bar for emergencies).

Extra layers: Bring an extra puffy even if I think I don't need it, but don't go too crazy.

Fire starter: Small bic lighter

Sun protection: Hat and sunscreen, always

Knife/repair: Never on a day hike

Navigation: Always bring a phone with offline maps, plus a portable charger that can charge it 3x

Light: Headlamp always

First Aid: This is something I slack on (know it's bad), but going to build a basic kit for my next hike with some larger bandages, ibuprofen, and bandaids.

Emergency Shelter: Only if it's going to be below freezing that night or I'm doing something in snow. If the main consequence is just an unpleasant night out, but no real danger, then I'd prefer to just be very careful on the navigation and ensure my phone has charge for GPS.

Also a Garmin Inreach.

Open to being told I'm an idiot though. The only one I'm very not convinced on is the emergency shelter -- seems like unless you're somewhere very cold, this is probably very unnecessary for the average day hiker.

EDIT: It would also be helpful I realized if you post where you are and what types of hikes you usually do. Obviously hiking in the cold midwest is different than sunny california.