how Kimiko is treated

how Annie is treated

they are supes. the way their actions are perceived differently from regular people is intentional, and is a particular focus of the show.

literally ended with something too fucked for actual horror movies

donating to elizabeth warren's super-pac?

[REQ] ($50) - (#Waco, TX, USA), ($65 Repayment 7-12-24), (CashApp)Completed

Rent cleaned out my bank account and I need gas money to make it to work this week. Repayment with my next paycheck on Thursday.

My point is - if it’s not in the contract, then no, this person is not entitled to these tips.

what the fuck do you know about contract law? you're an electrician.

I fully believe BKV only would’ve raised the price if he had a reason

based on what? he wrote some stories you liked? most of what ive heard about him paints him as an asshole.

theyre not participation trophies, i (someone you dont know) won several after being in the industry for only 7 years

i dont think the logic checks out here

born to brutal black

forced to ignorant

:bard: glhf ~

port League to Dota2

this already happened like, a billion years ago

:bard: glhf ~

they had to have given him 3 top tier spammable emotes because they knew how boring to play he is otherwise

:bard: glhf ~

Just wanted to say quick goodbye and my personal experience.

This split i made it to NA high elo (gold II, gold III) lobbies for the first time. I had a dream of pushing to gold I and finding a career in league, but after seeing all the horrific stuff that goes on in high elo i realized it's just not worth it.

People in high elo know each other because they constantly play together and it's very common that theres so much hatred between them already. They also gang up on any newcomers in high elo to bully them and deflect blame on them when they themselves get autofilled and int.

Griefing after they lose lane masked under all kinds of different excuses like "i have to go to work" and then they start running down a winnable game to end it quickly. Some even add people to threaten them, saying stupid things like "Do you know who i am? I know who you are, i will find you", or just the usual insults.

The ego is just through the roof, it's not worth poisoning my own life with negativity to play this game. I know many people think they can handle it and that it's only about growing a thicker skin. But it's not normal to have a part of your daily life fully submerged in such a toxic and terrible environment, eventually it takes a toll on you.

they could at least respect their audience by having less obvious sock puppet accounts.

:bard: glhf ~

for your sake, i hope the 88 in your username is a nazi thing because you shouldnt be this dumb at 36

every copy of twitch tv is personalized