Their "revolution" is putting a king back on a throne over America

No the fuck it won't. The majority of pedo teachers are in red districts and religious private schools

Plus that happened after Trump left office. Presidential immunity doesn't apply.

second American Revolution

which will be a reversal of the first one

No, they just became Republicans.

New Yorkers love AOC. They're doing pretty good with her policies.

Liberals have as many guns and just don't boast about it, plus we have more numbers to actually bear those guns. More guns is kind of moot if they can't all be wielded.

Beg to differ on the pretty women.

You can't beat monsters with a teddy bear.

We can if it's the OG Teddy Bear. Fire up the cloning facilities!

I, too, love to do your things. Dame tu cosita!

I'd put that 4th one in the elephant's foot. The space stone or reality stone should be able to manage that.

Took millions of dollars from Russia, China, North Korea and Saudi Arabia during his term.

Virtually all of those 2.2mil crossers have been arrested, whether by the CBP or the ICE. They did not get in, nor did they get very far if they did. The vast majority of those in the country illegally are not those who snuck in, but those who haven't renewed their visas or asylum status.

Most of the jobs immigrants are taking are the ones others aren't. Statistics show that even illegal immigrants help our economy by the work they do while not taking social aid.

Most drugs, like the other commenter said, aren't coming from Latin America, and a lot of drugs in Latin America are there due to the actions of our CIA to begin with.

Also, as another commenter has said, immigrants, legal or illegal, are statistically far less likely to commit a crime than our natural population. Those crimes you point to are few and far between but are magnified by fearmongering right-wing media.