New member!

Which is probably when she had the bride and she hasn’t really updated her style…

Also local and regional banks aren’t handing out loans like candy to developers anymore.

Yes it is. I dog sit often around there. At least it keeps speeding down I guess

Idk who these guys are but I am certainly familiar with that giant bump on Mithra! Its still there but sometimes it gets an orange cone to warn the uninitiated

Ah. I would think so. Or bravo detectives would have outed him weeks ago. It would make more sense

I honestly can’t believe he didn’t already have everything set to private. I do at this point and I’m a nobody. I couldn’t imagine getting into a relationship with someone who makes a chunk of their living off SM and not immediately shutting things down.

“I do it to shut my brain up.” No truer words.

I am regularly reading several books at the same time and can disappear for hours into them to give my brain a break from this world

If all the child will get from them is similar trauma to what you experienced, you are not denying them anything. You are protecting your kid and yourself.

True. And as with anyone who struggles with emotional regulation, she will still have over the top blow ups unless she really deals with her underlying issues. Drinking just exacerbates it. Without the drinking it’s likely we won’t get as many overreactions. But who knows till we see it

Best line is about watering the furrows with impure blood.

She won’t share enough to be a main character. But I actually love her as the acerbic Greek chorus. I know people don’t like that she doesn’t get much heat, but damn she is funny and does a good job keeping the pot stirred

I think she might actually be the injection NYC needs. But let’s watch the season being filmed now and see

At some point she really decided Kyle was the end goal no matter what. And we see how that’s played out. I couldn’t imagine being in a relationship that has required this much work since the beginning. I don’t doubt they love each other, but my god they are not good together as a couple

Tbf she won’t be drinking, which I think is her ultimate kryptonite when it comes to her emotional regulation. It will be interesting to see how sober but hormonal Lindsay handles the summer.

Eh. I doubt it. Hotel interdepartmental communications are usually kinda shitty. It can be for a number of reasons. But in all likelihood the front desk and/or housekeeping has a director or manager not double checking the information being shared. And if someone isn’t training people correctly (happens so often, even at luxury properties) then you have hourly employees kinda flying blind and no one correcting them and following up to make sure they are doing the right things.

I think this is most likely a result of profits > people. These hotels are probably running with as slim of a crew as possible (I had a job once that used to be three different positions - at a luxury hotel) and management doesn’t care or isn’t able to keep up. It’s kind of the story in every industry over the past 30ish years. You can really feel it now in industries like hospitality

Thank you for making me feel less crazy. I knew I saw eggs bene at some point!

Partassipant [1]

You would be surprised at how many adults just don’t think things through. Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity (or thoughtlessness usually) and all that

A prenup protects both parties while they love each other. Especially if you actually have assets to protect. If yall are gonna be together forever, then it won’t matter.

I’ve always seen it as: let me protect you from future me, and me from future you, if things do happen to go south.

I think if OP wasn’t so insistent his sisters don’t like his fiancée, then I would have given that possibility more weight. I’d rather that be the reason they pranked her